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  1. C

    LED Grow Lights.

    thanks for the vindication ;) hit me up with a pm as to the source. i'd be interested...
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    Are the big banks in control of Washington??

    DrDank-- How do you have that list? Do you have some sort of source to cite? I have to disagree at one point with the professor: He claims at 12:33 that "this is capitalism, Bill." No it isn't. That may be what was previously called "capitalism" has become (what a guy on MSNBC recently...
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    Not a single word about the Owner's meeting eh?

    And the invasion of Iraq that was to fill the oil companies coffers hasn't affected the price of oil at all? The rising inflation resulting from the out of control spending has no effect on prices; they remain the same no matter how many dollars are printed? The Democrats are admittedly a...
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    Not a single word about the Owner's meeting eh?

    At least you read, Vi... But Alex Jones' question still bears repeating, and begs an answer from you instead of educated ridicule: If hundreds of the most famous film stars gathered in a hotel for a three day gathering without cameras or public supervision, there would be paparazzi en masse...
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    Not a single word about the Owner's meeting eh?

    alex jones reported on it.
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    Susan Estrich Blows The Rigged Election Wide Open

    Why am I not surprised that there is little substance to this conversation? Someone mentions vote fraud, and it's ignored completely. "Elephant"itus has infiltrated Vi's brain and swollen shut all rational brain centers. This is not an issue about winning; the issue is whether or not we can...
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    Do you support our troops ?

    We have simply bought (charged) a $2.4 trillion car without wheels. What a stupid fucking investment.
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    Do you support our troops ?

    In all seriousness, what does the confidence of an American soldier carrying a gun in a foreign place we had no business invading have anything to do with whether or not he should be there from a policy standpoint? If this has nothing to do with policy, what does it matter in terms of the...
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    Ron Paul ... The Kook.

    I know Vi... was asking for it.
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    Ron Paul ... The Kook.

    "He might make a dandy new leader for the Branch Davidians." Vi, I think you are a piece of $%^ with absolutely no intellectual integrity after posting this, and that you have a staked interest in watching this country plummet as fast as possible into hell. The previous posters who called you...
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    DoJ Official Fired For Calling Waterboarding Torture

    i'd rather be waterboarded than go back to church.:twisted:
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    DoJ Official Fired For Calling Waterboarding Torture

    Ah, one of those "this was a good idea" guys... I suppose if you think the current situation has been worth $8000 of your future toiling and this pipe-dream finish is worth the long-term financial stability of the country, then I suppose we could continue... stagnating. I know, I know, we're...
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    DoJ Official Fired For Calling Waterboarding Torture

    I guess i'm missing the rationality of this reaction... A: "I don't like the fact that we torture people." B: "So it's okay when the terrorists torture our soldiers!?!" What the hell does that have to do with anything? Med is right. You're simply way-off base. I suppose that's what...
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    DoJ Official Fired For Calling Waterboarding Torture

    I remember Stalin saying: "One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic." And then 7x rocks my mind with a reverse Stalin, pow!$&: if we're killing close to a million people in Iraq, why shouldn't we torture? As that is, I'm sure, a crass summarization of your point, I'll even...
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    DoJ Official Fired For Calling Waterboarding Torture

    The title of this forum is dedicated to a man who agrees with me and was not just saying it was okay to get a job. How about you respond to this argument, which you still haven't touched: it's wrong. And it's illegal.
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    DoJ Official Fired For Calling Waterboarding Torture

    Your argument, Wavels, that this isn't "torture" rests on the premise that something must be as painful/gruesome as the "torture" techniques used in the Inquisition, as the word orginally described these practices: "Historically, "torture" points to the torture of the Middle Ages. Therefore...
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    Ron Paul--Tea Party '07

    Unfortunately, you are absolutely correct. :-?
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    Ron Paul--Tea Party '07

    The wise vote is Ron Paul. The top candidates on the Republican ticket are: Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney. The top Democrats are Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards. How many of those candidates support the full withdrawal out of Iraq by 2013? None of them. By voting for a...
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    Ron Paul--Tea Party '07

  20. C

    Ron Paul--Tea Party '07

    This is wormy reasoning, Med. Everyone discounts the MSM's depiction of the war in Iraq, of illegal immigration, the drug war, wiretapping, torture, secret prisons; and it goes without saying that there are many on this forum who actually support what I consider repulsive. But I have a...