Not a single word about the Owner's meeting eh?


Well-Known Member
We can lay the blame for the energy crunch we are experiencing today right at the feet of the environmental lobby and the Democrat Party that sucks off of its teat.


And the invasion of Iraq that was to fill the oil companies coffers hasn't affected the price of oil at all?
The rising inflation resulting from the out of control spending has no effect on prices; they remain the same no matter how many dollars are printed?
The Democrats are admittedly a party of cowards and thieves, avoiding political responsibility for this disaster at all costs and pussying out at every confrontation with the President over his monarchical power, but they're not the only problem.
The hijacking of the US Gov't by politicians I have heard you constantly support are the more responsible parties; they just handed the gun over to the murderer instead of pulling the trigger themselves.

They are an accessory to the crime, but you're trying to whitewash almost a decade of corruption on the politically weak.

To keep it friendly: that seems unfair and unsubstantiated. They're cowards, but I would be hard pressed to compare them with criminals.


Well-Known Member
I have an interesting story about that book(well sorta). I was in this stupid court ordered class that I had to, well it was more like a group you know...we basically just talked about bullshit for an hour and a half...anyway this one day this one wierdo basically takes over the class and goes on this long ridiculous rant that made absolutely no sense, I recall something about how many pickles on his burger, something about raping a girl in the class, his mother being a whore, and him trying to go to mexico but they follow him everywhere lol it was pretty apparent to me that he was most likely schizophrenic..anyway the guy next to me, who happens to be reading this big ass book, keeps agreeing with this wierdo and sayin "yeah man, everything youre talking about is in this book(atlas shrugged)," and "I completely understand"...And I was just shaking my head like what the fuck are you guys talking about...Ive never read the novel but there is no way anything in there can even remotely resmeble anything this wack job said trust me...anyway the next day I see the guy on the news, he was standing in front of a drug store with a sign that said "$1 talk to a real life pedophile, ask me anything"...completely off topic, I just reminded me of that story


Well-Known Member
..............."Who is John Galt?"
It's not a question of who, but of what.
Ones expression of helplessness and despair of the world.
What a good fuckin book!!


Well-Known Member
And the invasion of Iraq that was to fill the oil companies coffers hasn't affected the price of oil at all?
For 2000+ years some war has gone on in the middle east.
Two huge facters are playing a roll here.
1) The dollar isnt worth a dollar.
2) Countrys like China and India the demans are alot higher
(they could also blame us for high oil prices because of demand)

Low supply and high demand= $ from gold to grain.


New Member
..............."Who is John Galt?"
It's not a question of who, but of what.
Ones expression of helplessness and despair of the world.
What a good fuckin book!!
Exactly! That book changed my political viewpoint forever.

And lest anyone here thinks I'm on the side of the Republicans, take the time to read the book.



Well-Known Member
I honestly don't know very much about what's on your list but have looked into alternative fuels and hydrogen doesn't appear to be viable. I know folks concentrate on oil and gas but it is actually burning coal that pumps most of the "bad stuff" into the atmosphere - not SUVs. It is the electrical stations powered by coal! anyone babbling about oil is worried about gas prices - anyone babbling about power stations is concerned with the environment.

anyway - hydrogen costs more and requires more power to make useful than the power it creates. not a very good alternative.
Your right email on the basis of what your definition of alternative fuel apparently is(your thinking about it as a heating source, or as a way to generate electricity for the electric companies)..... Hydrogen is not economic in regards to electric companies.

But, hydrogen is economic in regards to personal transportation(people that drive) because the cost that you would pay for water and electricity would be nil compared to the current price of gasoline(are you following?) Just because something is bad for one thing does not means its bad for others. Just like Internal Combustion Engines(ICE) are good for cars, but an ICE would not be good for the motor that for your CPU fan in your computer. HAHA... So hydrogen would be great for us drivers(it would be a lot cheaper and it wouldn't be polluting the environment) , but wouldn't be economic for your electric company unless they tapped into a hydrogen source.

The most abundant element in the universe is hydrogen, so if we could find an efficient means of collecting 'space hydrogen', than the power companies might be in buisness. The best(as far as I know) means of collecting hydrogen on earth is through the process of electrolysis- breaking the water molecules into its constituents of hydrogen and oxygen... I hope I'm not confusing anyone.:mrgreen:

Harvesting hydrogen from our own homes (through the process of electrolysis) = cheap and clean fuel for drivers.

Power companies would not want to go through the process of harvesting hydrogen because their are other more economic ways of harvesting energy, i.e. hydroelectric.

Hydrogen(on earth) is more of a means of storing energy, but there are innately inefficiencies with every power conversion.


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Well-Known Member
But, hydrogen is economic in regards to personal transportation(people that drive) because the cost that you would pay for water and electricity would be nil compared to the current price of gasoline(are you following?)
yes i am "following". I am not very well versed in any alternative energy sources but even less so regarding transportation which is why i refrained from discussing it.