Not a single word about the Owner's meeting eh?


New Member
Oil-price surge - Jobs data ain't looking good - Dow plunges 400 points (the years biggest loss!) - all around the time of the bilderberg meeting! hey - i think i'm getting the hang of this conspiracy stuff!

i'm still trying to figure out why it is a big deal the media isn't covering a board meeting though. I mean big companies get together and have meetings usually quarterly and they aren't normally covered by the media (well maybe the wall street journal). I think the media covering a corporate big shot meeting would be the unusual as opposed to the reverse. But i do not watch the mass media (don't have a TV - so i don't really know what they cover and what they don't).
Wow, no TV. I guess you are really poor or opiniated. I'd guess the latter. there are good things on TV, a lot of crap, I'll admit that, but that's what remotes are for. I really can't imagine a world without TV and believe me, I am not one of those brainwashed sheeple. I have a 60 inch TV and use it to watch movies, public TV and various History, science, car venues and other off the path trivia. Do you get your daily information from a private source or do you use radio and newspapers? I mean, you knew about the dow's plunge and the oil at 139.10 a barrel.
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Well-Known Member
139 a barrel... Ok who the fuck determines this price? who owns this oil, that says " Hmmmm Ok, I think its time for 139 bux a barrel yEEPO!"

Plz somone tell me.


Well-Known Member
Wow, no TV. I guess you are really poor or opiniated. I'd guess the latter. there are good things on TV, a lot of crap, I'll admit that, but that's what remotes are for. I really can't imagine a world without TV and believe me, I am not one of those brainwashed sheeple. I have a 60 inch TV and use it to watch movies, public TV and various History, science, car venues and other off the path trivia. Do you get your daily information from a private source or do you use radio and newspapers?
i watch movies on my computer (it is a big screen) and have a large documentary collection which i enjoy. I see TV when i am in hotel rooms but have to laugh. I mean they have alien and UFO shows and bible as history shows on the History channel for crying out loud! what a load of bullshit that is. daily information? i don't really have much need for that. It is easy to see what TV is feeding everyone by reading these (and other forums) and that would be crap, crap and more crap. The media is obviously so full of shit that in desperation people are clinging to conspiracy theories more and more (combined with the added availability provided by youtube).

i think there is little doubt i am very opinionated but am always willing to change my opinion provided there is ample reason/evidence.
no comment on my tax bracket.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
ok...I know were not really supposed to bring this up, but why hasnt there been an assassination attempt? Or did I miss it?


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats another thing to think about... All the good guys get killed? and all the assholes live forever?

Wtf is up with that? are people seriously this evil? that they would perfer tyranny over freedom?


New Member
i watch movies on my computer (it is a big screen) and have a large documentary collection which i enjoy. I see TV when i am in hotel rooms but have to laugh. I mean they have alien and UFO shows and bible as history shows on the History channel for crying out loud! what a load of bullshit that is. daily information? i don't really have much need for that. It is easy to see what TV is feeding everyone by reading these (and other forums) and that would be crap, crap and more crap. The media is obviously so full of shit that in desperation people are clinging to conspiracy theories more and more (combined with the added availability provided by youtube).

i think there is little doubt i am very opinionated but am always willing to change my opinion provided there is ample reason/evidence.
no comment on my tax bracket.
BTW, have you seen the documentary called "The Earth" I believe it's a 4 part one, A real eye opener for the flat earth crowd that still believes there in no mankind involved in global warming, just a thought.


Well-Known Member
BTW, have you seen the documentary called "The Earth" I believe it's a 4 part one, A real eye opener for the flat earth crowd that still believes there in no mankind involved in global warming, just a thought.
are you referring to the David Attenborough Planet Earth? if so - yes i have it and love it!


Well-Known Member
A real eye opener for the flat earth crowd that still believes there in no mankind involved in global warming, just a thought.
If our gov't was that concerned about global warming don't you think we would be driving around in hydrogen powered cars by now? I understand that your not versed in the subjects but I thought I stated my facts clear as day & with ample sources....:?.... Is there anything you need me to explain still?

Pollution = bad

co2 = natural/good for plants

Mans co2 production = ~3% of the total co2 output.

Al Gore = politician = {fill in word here}

Gasoline = obsolete fuel

Hydrogen = renewable, clean, efficient, make it at home, save lots of money for yourself,

Temps change co2 levels and not the other way around. Come on MM, read the global warming thread again. I thought I presented enough facts for an unscientific person to understand whats going on. (your a smart guy)

There is a monopoly on gasoline the same reason why there is a monopoly of the commercial diesel trucks from not being able to use bio diesel. There are people making too much money off of it right now. The people are still compliant and are still able to pay. Thats what I figure anyways.




Well-Known Member
If our gov't was that concerned about global warming don't you think we would be driving around in hydrogen powered cars by now? I understand that your not versed in the subjects but I thought I stated my facts clear as day & with ample sources....:?.... Is there anything you need me to explain still?

Pollution = bad

co2 = natural/good for plants

Mans co2 production = ~3% of the total co2 output.

Al Gore = politician = {fill in word here}

Gasoline = obsolete fuel

Hydrogen = renewable, clean, efficient, make it at home, save lots of money for yourself,

Temps change co2 levels and not the other way around. Come on MM, read the global warming thread again. I thought I presented enough facts for an unscientific person to understand whats going on. (your a smart guy)

There is a monopoly on gasoline the same reason why there is a monopoly of the commercial diesel trucks from not being able to use bio diesel. There are people making too much money off of it right now. The people are still compliant and are still able to pay. Thats what I figure anyways.


We cant just switch to hydrogen fuel just like that...we would have to change our entire infrastructure, it will probably be decades before hydrogen becomes the new standard if ever. The main problem with hydrogen is it isnt really a source of energy, just a means of carrying it. So it is clean and renewable in a sense if the energy you used to produce it came from a clean renewable source, but most of our electricty doesnt. We would have to see a tremendous rise in the amount of electricity produced, and electricity would naturally be much more expensive. If we use coal, then we are only putting a bandaid on the problem of someday running out of fossil fuel(luckily the us is the saudi arabia of coal). If we turn to nuclear energy, then we are left with nuclear waste. There is a lot of work to be done before you see the average ameican driving a hydrogen car...just read the wikipedia entry...its all there Hydrogen vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-Known Member
If our gov't was that concerned about global warming don't you think we would be driving around in hydrogen powered cars by now? I understand that your not versed in the subjects but I thought I stated my facts clear as day & with ample sources....:?.... Is there anything you need me to explain still?

Pollution = bad

co2 = natural/good for plants

Mans co2 production = ~3% of the total co2 output.

Al Gore = politician = {fill in word here}

Gasoline = obsolete fuel

Hydrogen = renewable, clean, efficient, make it at home, save lots of money for yourself,

Temps change co2 levels and not the other way around. Come on MM, read the global warming thread again. I thought I presented enough facts for an unscientific person to understand whats going on. (your a smart guy)

There is a monopoly on gasoline the same reason why there is a monopoly of the commercial diesel trucks from not being able to use bio diesel. There are people making too much money off of it right now. The people are still compliant and are still able to pay. Thats what I figure anyways.


I honestly don't know very much about what's on your list but have looked into alternative fuels and hydrogen doesn't appear to be viable. I know folks concentrate on oil and gas but it is actually burning coal that pumps most of the "bad stuff" into the atmosphere - not SUVs. It is the electrical stations powered by coal! anyone babbling about oil is worried about gas prices - anyone babbling about power stations is concerned with the environment.

anyway - hydrogen costs more and requires more power to make useful than the power it creates. not a very good alternative.

cleaner coal - a dead-end as far as i can tell. it can only be so clean.

geo-thermal - most promising new technology but untested. any entrepreneurs/alternative fuel advocates take a good hard look at this. here is chance to be on the ground floor of what could turn into the next energy boon or bust - but that's the risk.

using some kind of food crop - seems wretched to consider if you ask me while people are starving. though this is an emotional response - if we can do better than ethanol then this could replace the oil burning problem

nuclear - far and away the best long and short term alternative to coal. we already have the technology and it is just a matter of building more plants. did you know most folks live relatively close to nuclear power plants but don't even know it! unfortunately, most folks have a knee-jerk negative reaction to this power source because why? media fear mongering of course. we are so quick to dismiss mass media propaganda when it comes to our favorite conspiracy theory but quote them when it comes to the dangers of nuclear power. oh well ...

i'm sure there are many others but as i said - i'm no expert and am just starting to read some of the scientific literature (that has had a chance to get picked apart by peers).


Active Member
hydrogen costs more and requires more power to make useful than the power it creates. not a very good alternative.
New Highly Efficient Hydrogen-making Process Developed to Fuel Car Engines - Associated Content

I just googled "making hydrogen" and found that, I don't know anything about the new process other than whats written there unfortunately, but it looks promising.

geo-thermal - most promising new technology but untested. any entrepreneurs/alternative fuel advocates take a good hard look at this. here is chance to be on the ground floor of what could turn into the next energy boon or bust - but that's the risk.
When I read that I had to scratch my head. I have never thought of geothermal power as a new thing, I remember reading about it in school nearly 15 years ago. Untested? Something like 80% of homes in Iceland get their heat and hot water from geothermal energy and they have several geothermal power plants. Maybe I'm missing something?

As for nuclear power, I have heard of reports linking proximity of power plants to cancer and also reports that debunk those reports. I don't know who to trust so I simply don't. But if they are safe to the surrounding area, I think my main concern is storing the radioactive waste.


Well-Known Member
New Highly Efficient Hydrogen-making Process Developed to Fuel Car Engines - Associated Content

I just googled "making hydrogen" and found that, I don't know anything about the new process other than whats written there unfortunately, but it looks promising.

When I read that I had to scratch my head. I have never thought of geothermal power as a new thing, I remember reading about it in school nearly 15 years ago. Untested? Something like 80% of homes in Iceland get their heat and hot water from geothermal energy and they have several geothermal power plants. Maybe I'm missing something?

As for nuclear power, I have heard of reports linking proximity of power plants to cancer and also reports that debunk those reports. I don't know who to trust so I simply don't. But if they are safe to the surrounding area, I think my main concern is storing the radioactive waste.
As I said - i'm no expert - but my understanding of hydrogen is somewhere along the line between manufacturing, transporting, delivery and storage - more energy is going in than coming out. that may change - or maybe the cost of oil will make the unequal distribution more attractive ... i dunno.

It is true Iceland uses (and has been using) geothermal but is a special case. Iceland uses near surface hot water but this is only good for places that have near surface hot water (not as many as necessary) so the geothermal i was referring to was be considered the second generation, deep thermal, or Hot Rock. This would be a very new thing but could utilize the oil drilling equipment (maybe).

Biofuels mostly suffer from the same problem - in order to grow fuel crops we need more clear-cut land.... bad news.

The anti-nuclear folks have done a great job scaring the crap out of people. Unfortunately, it appears to be the fastest most "doable" option on the table right now. To be honest, i place the anti-nuke reports right along side the FUD about power lines and transformers. The nuclear waste - especially from 3rd and 4th generation plants is actually safe to be in the same room with it! but you wouldn't want to hang out there for hundreds of years though! also note - the 4th generation nuclear power plants can actually use the spent fuel from the earlier ones to make energy further reducing the danger.

for the life of me - i can not figure out why it seems to be the same people screaming "stop using oil" and "no nuclear power". if they would do more research, I believe the evidence would change their minds (unless they have a different agenda).


New Member
We can lay the blame for the energy crunch we are experiencing today right at the feet of the environmental lobby and the Democrat Party that sucks off of its teat.



Well-Known Member
At least you read, Vi...

But Alex Jones' question still bears repeating, and begs an answer from you instead of educated ridicule:
If hundreds of the most famous film stars gathered in a hotel for a three day gathering without cameras or public supervision, there would be paparazzi en masse. It would probably be the most sought story in the media.
But political leaders in every sense of the word are meeting to discuss the world's future behind closed doors without any coverage of it whatsoever in the American media.

Principle: The American media has decided that Americans don't need to know about what is probably the biggest politically intriguing event of the year. The best story of the year doesn't deserve to be covered; it wouldn't make any money at all.

But maybe you, Vi, proud capitalist as you appear to be with Ayn Rand references and all, don't see that motive operating here. If only mental concentration on an end results in action, what the hell is driving a money-making corporation to ignore 1) a money-making opportunity, and 2) what motivates their audience to accept their censorship as the basis of rationality and good judgment?

Ach, who is John Galt?