Search results

  1. avgdude7

    "Extinction Threat to Religions" Hope for the World yet?

    Simply put (IMO) the old rhetoric and dogma no longer holds up, it has no real signifigance today, despite how hard religious zealots try to connect it. Fuck the pope and the vatican, catholicism in particular is losing steam. Think for yourself and these antiquated religions will naturally die...
  2. avgdude7

    Sex Or Drugs

    I cant fucking believe it, people would actually give up sex for weed. I guess you could console yourself by getting so high you forgot that you even had a sex drive, holy fuck, that scares me to even think of not sawing a piece off (sex), the longest I have gone without sex (since I was a...
  3. avgdude7

    AirCooled shades + duct work condensation

    I learnt some hard lessons about condensation (and mold growth)---insulation and a big dehu helped me, by big I mean the biggest wal-mart had which was a 60 pint/day, and making the gap between cold and warm surfaces bigger ie.: even that R4 foil-backed bubble wrap insulation will make a big...
  4. avgdude7


    yep, Angryblackman hit the nail on the head, he's real, (not like little bitches runnin' their mouths) COMMUNICATION has to be there, dont even think of playing with another couple if your shit ain't wired tight, cause it will unravel at the absolute worst time. Me and the wife have been...
  5. avgdude7

    Want a c02 regulator that doesn't freeze

    Okay, I'm a welder by trade, there's a real easy cure for this, 1. try hanging a trouble light directly on the regulator, if thats not hot enough try a 100w incandescent in the trouble light or a halogen if its still bad (put trouble light on timer so its just warming the regulator/flowmeter...
  6. avgdude7

    has anyone ordered from

    I retract everything I said negatively towards BCGROWN.CA . I just received my seeds in the mail, with an apology for lateness.
  7. avgdude7


    while some people are thumbing their nose at marijuana prohibition and MJ laws, they're persecuting others for a different sexual orientation than themselves. In both cases a person is involved in visible minorities, both of which are outside the status quo in North America, thus being socially...
  8. avgdude7

    has anyone used detoxify brands for getting clean?

    That shit works, I have used the XXclean about 6 times, with 2 days of cleanse pills (same as ur takin'). Granted I had prior knowledge that I would be tested so, I tried to not smoke for at least about 3 days. When you buy the drink it should come with instructions for timing it with your...
  9. avgdude7

    Elite Busted - take down grow operation?

    Here's a site that has more info on Canadian/USA pot trafficking and about the DEA involvment in Canada,( and I think it's really the same up here as far as leniency in the court system and how popular/good ur lawyer is, I know fellas that got nailed to the wall, and other...
  10. avgdude7

    Elite Busted - take down grow operation?

    I hate to be a stick in the mud here, but little known fact, the DEA in cooperation with RCMP have approximetely 150 operatives in/around lower mainland and interior, read that in a vancouver newspaper story about the history of AN founders, if I can find it again I'll post the link to it, and I...
  11. avgdude7

    has anyone ordered from

    fucker ripped me for $100 dont buy from him!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. avgdude7

    Any single (female) cultivators from alberta in here

    just go down to branleys in RD or I know a decent escort outfit if yer feelin' spendy... Good to see other ppl from AB on here
  13. avgdude7

    Did Bill C-15 in Canada get passed?

    best of the worst....
  14. avgdude7

    Watts per house

    i don't mean to be rude, but I got a few friends that are/have been commercial growers, they dont even look on these forums cause of the heat factor. I'm in Canada as well, and know ppl personaly that have run 16 1k-HPS in a 5 room house, there advice to me--don't steal power, don't stink, &...
  15. avgdude7


    I vote this be moved to a new section called " toke way too much and try to formulate ideas".....
  16. avgdude7

    Did Bill C-15 in Canada get passed?

    Nie, IMO harper is the big retarded brother of our great premier ed stelmach (AB), both hillbillies, with short-sighted agendas designed to curry favour w/ the political right wing, (which in all likelyhood most Canadians are moving towards after the plundering by liberals). I bet Preston...
  17. avgdude7 Review

    I'm probably up the creek as well, ordered $100 worth of seeds, a couple of weeks ago, paid by MO, oh well, Karma's a bad motherfucker sometimes...
  18. avgdude7

    Trailor Park Boys ~ best shit ever!!!

    we're in the eye of the shiticaine here randy--- Best Canadian show since Undercurrents, I've had the hots for Wendy Mesley since I was a kid....
  19. avgdude7

    Electrical help needed for running 24O to room

    crazy, I just ran my feeder cable for my panel (which is also 240V) yesterday, I did myself a big favour and buy the home depot book "WIRING 1-2-3" it's awesome, it's all to do w/ household wiring but I think it gives ya all the basics ya need to do most things, including wire a grow room. An...
  20. avgdude7

    Co2 controller for sealed room { help needed }

    thanks, faceoff13, and I hear ya tjizzle on waiting for the controller, I was kinda in the same boat then I started thinking about it, they want $1500 for a c02 controller where I live, but thats more for syncing the c02 release with in/out fans in a conventional set-up (not CGE/perfect room)...