Did Bill C-15 in Canada get passed?


Canada .. Canada.. honestly since Jean Chrétien told the world Canada`s not going to Iraq ...that was the last time i remeber being damn proud to be Canadian.... i`ve been very disapointed with out government ever since .. esp Harper def not the direction to take Canada ... we need politicans who knows how to move Parliment hill... and one that is able to progress Canada and not just keep us afloat.


and is ANYONE else Pissed off we`ve had a shitty Minority government making it self useless since like 2004 when Martin got re-elected....!!!!!!!! GIMME BACK MY CANADA


Active Member
Im a 14th generation canadian, family has been here since the 1600's, and this is the first time in my entire life that ive felt this betrayed, and ashamed of our government.
Agreed this is fucking of the wall. I can even believe I didnt know about this until today! I'm a fater and my wife is a stay a home mom. fuck If I got caught with one plant for personal use we would loose EVERYTHING. Go to jail = No job = No money, No money = no house/truck and food for my family! would there be anyway of fighting it with a good laywer or is it stright to jail, do not pass go, do not collect a kick in the ass? Can this be inforced if I get caught with a few grams of personal smoke???? can someone clarify this for me I spent a good part of the day reserching this but it's all fucking mumbo gumbo to me. The Gov. is so good at being vague!


Well-Known Member
It wont be law in Canada until at least September 15th. The Senate is now on summer break and is not currently active. We need to petition hard this summer to the Senate so that they can see that Canadians are opposed to this bill. Visit www.whyprohibtion.ca and use the emailer on there to get in contact with your Province's Senate members. Get involved and help stop this evil and corrupt bill from becoming law.


Well-Known Member

Liberals Team With Conservatives to Pass a Nasty New Drug Law

By Dana Larsen, Cannabis Culture - Friday, June 12 2009
CANNABIS CULTURE - On June 8, Canada's Parliament passed a new set of mandatory minimum penalties for a variety of marijuana and drug offences.The new law now goes to the Senate, where it will likely be approved. Even though Canada's Senate has many members who oppose prohibition, it is extremely rare for the Senate to block a bill passed by Parliament, especially when it has the support of both Liberals and Conservatives.
According to Conservative Justice Minister Rob Nicholson, the law is aimed at "serious drug traffickers, the people who are basically out to destroy our society."


"This bill is clearly targeted at the low-level dealers," said Libby Davies, NDP House Leader. "It is simply really bad public policy. It is going to increase the prison population, particularly the provincial prison population, because most of these mandatory sentences that are two years or less will be under the provincial jurisdiction."
Davies explained how the Liberals teamed with the Conservatives to stop the bill from being amended.
"In committee, the NDP put forward 21 amendments that tried to remove some of the worst aspects of the bill, by changing the regime of mandatory minimums, for example, and getting an exemption for medical marijuana for compassion clubs."
"I am so disappointed that those amendments did not go through," continued Davies. "The Liberal members on the committee failed to respond to those amendments and failed to support them, which really surprises me."


A number of prominent Liberals are challenging their party's support for this bill. Dozens of bloggers, riding association presidents and other party members have publicly complained about Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff pressuring the party to back the new law.
Yet when it came to the vote, every Liberal present voted for the bill, except for Liberal MP Keith Martin, who supports decriminalization. Martin abstained from the vote. The NDP and Bloc all voted against it.
"In the context of some occasions where the sentences have not been appropriate, we're in support of C-15," said Ignatieff. "We support stronger measures."
Schedule I, which already included substances like opiates and cocaine, is expanded to include methamphetamine and GHB.
The following minimum penalties will only apply when the hash-making or pot-growing is being done "for trafficking purposes." However, under the law, trafficking includes sharing with friends. So unless you can prove that you were going to use every last gram all by yourself, it will be considered trafficking.
Making hash: 1 year mandatory minimum
Growing 5-200 cannabis plants: 6 months
Growing 201-500 plants: 1 year
Growing 501 or more plants: 2 years
If you live in a rental home, or if there are children in the grow home, or if the judge just deems your garden to be a "potential public safety hazard," then the minimum penalties are lengthened as follows:
Making hash: 18 months
5-200 plants: 9 months
210-500 plants: 18 moths
501+ plants: 3 years
Producing any amount of a Schedule I substance gets a mandatory minimum of two years. (This includes growing opium poppies and coca plants.)
If a person in jail is caught selling or sharing any Schedule I substance, they get an automatic 2 years added to their sentence.
Anyone caught selling or sharing a Schedule I substance on or near a school grounds would get a 2 year mandatory minimum sentence. This would include a student selling or sharing with another student.
Selling any Schedule I substance "near any public place usually frequented by people under the age of 18" gets a 2 year mandatory sentence. No definition of "near" is given, neither is it defined what exactly is meant by "a public place frequented by people under the age of 18." This vague law could easily cover most of the city and catch many people unawares. Once again, this applies to a youth who shares or sells to another youth.
A second conviction for trafficking in over 3 kilos of marijuana or hash within a ten-year period will get a mandatory 1 year sentence.
Get caught mailing a few grams across the border? Exporting or importing any amount of marijuana gets a mandatory 1 year in jail.
Exporting or importing up to a a kilo of coca leaf, cocaine, opium or heroin gets a year mandatory imprisonment. Over a kilo gets an automatic 2 years in jail.
At the outset, I wish to state that the CBA opposes the use of mandatory minimum sentences on the basis that they do not advance the goals of deterrence; they do not target the most serious of offenders, who are already sentenced stiffly; they catch less culpable offenders, subjecting them to lengthy terms of imprisonment; they have a disproportionate impact on those minority groups who are already disadvantaged; and they subvert important aspects of the sentencing regime, including the principles of proportionality and the individualization of the sentencing process.
For example, a young adult occasional user of marijuana who is growing ten plants for his own use and to share with some friends attracts an MMS of six months. We would say that this sentence violates the principle of proportionality and the importance of rehabilitation.
A person making a small amount of cannabis resin for use and to share with friends would be subject to an MMS of one year and to 18 months if he did so in a house that he was renting. The legislation apparently fails to address a situation in which the third party owner of the property is aware of and complicit in the use of the property for the offence.
Bill C-15 also imposes escalating levels of incarceration depending upon the number of plants an individual grows for trafficking. For instance, this bill would require an MMS of six months for 200 plants, yet twelve months for 201 plants. It is contrary to common sense and well-established sentencing principles for a person to receive double the length of a sentence for a difference of one plant.
We believe the impact upon the administration of justice of this bill, if it is passed, will be significant. Fewer people will plead guilty, preferring to contest the charges rather than be subject to an automatic mandatory minimum sentence upon pleading guilty. This will increase the length of time it takes for cases to be heard in the courts, increase the number of trials, and inevitably increase the strain on court resources.
Given the significant prison terms proposed within Bill C-15, the crown should be required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the aggravating factors triggering an MMS as well as the mens rea component of those aggravating factors; for example, the requisite degree of awareness of the number of plants, or the fact that the offence was being committed at or near a school or at a place usually frequented by those under the age of 18.
We point out the lack of a definition with respect to “in or near a school”, or places “usually frequented” by those under 18. We make the point that the crown ought to be required to prove not only the mens rea of the offence itself but also that with respect to the aggravating factor that would trigger a mandatory minimum sentence.
Please call or email your Senators and tell them to vote NO! on BILL C-15
Click here for a list of all Canadian Senators - click names for contact info.
WhyProhibition has added emailers for each Province, simply click on your Province or Territory of to email your Senators to demand they vote No on C-15.
If your province or Territory isn't listed, it means we don't have any members from your area! Login or Register and get your friends to do the same, we want to have every City, Electoral District, Region, Territory and Province represented before the next election!

Prince Edward Island
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
British Columbia

Updated on June 10, 2009


Hey guys, if need be. Notify me if I need to remove any links. Sorry if the c/p was too large.

Damn shame really,



Active Member
H4V Very well done. Just what I was looking for!.

I am VERY interested in the "Growing 5-200 cannabis plants: 6 months" and "The following minimum penalties will only apply when the hash-making or pot-growing is being done "for trafficking purposes." However, under the law, trafficking includes sharing with friends. So unless you can prove that you were going to use every last gram all by yourself, it will be considered trafficking."

What about 1-4??? If I'm not sharing??? What are the rules now?

Thanks again H4V +rep!!!
no mandatorys, but if you have any priors id expect jail time, and youll still need to deal with court... and that comes down to how much they like you and how much money youre willing to spend

keep a log book of marijuana /hash production and consumption...to show that you smoke all of or more than what you grow. im thinking it could help. or they would use it and be like look hes produced 10 punds of marijuana over the past 5 years OMG...


Well-Known Member
no mandatorys, but if you have any priors id expect jail time, and youll still need to deal with court... and that comes down to how much they like you and how much money youre willing to spend

keep a log book of marijuana /hash production and consumption...to show that you smoke all of or more than what you grow. im thinking it could help. or they would use it and be like look hes produced 10 punds of marijuana over the past 5 years OMG...
And when you go to court, you should just wear your Bad Idea Jeans so it doesn't look like you've made any money in the venture and thus can't afford better court clothes..


Well-Known Member
Wearing bad clothes to court may sound like a good idea, but probably isn't. You may make the judge feel like you don't have respect for his/her courtroom. That would be a bad thing to do when you are trying to get some sympathy from the judge.


Well-Known Member
SNL did a commercial spoof with a product called Bad Idea Jeans.. They also did a Jewess Jeans one, and a ton of other classic non jean related products..
My point was, the logbook idea would be about as beneficial as saying "I didn't hit the guy once, I just held him down while everyone else beat him..":)


Well-Known Member
Anyways, my sister works in/around parliament, she can chit-chat with quite a few players.. So I picked her brain while she visited.. There is alot of talk of a fall election, and she reiterated that the senate is a bunch of pussies who don't like to take a stance of there own, but they still aren't keen on passing this so they'll likely try to backburner it for a while..
If the election comes too late we're likely fucked because only NDP would likely push a new bill to fix this shit in any timely fashion.. If there is an election, pending bills get dropped, and its pretty much certain that only Harper would actually reintroduce it if he won the election.. If thats the case, she figures by fall 2010 we're fucked.. But if Liberals take it (or NDP, or hell why not Rhinocerous Party:) ) then its business as usual as per the CDSA..
So vote Liberal as tard-like as they are right now if you actually vote..
Gotta love Canadian elections.. They aren't about voting for whats right, they're all about voting against whats wrong..


Well-Known Member
I hate having to try and chose the lesser of the evils. Anyone know anything about getting into politics? I'd love to move in and attempt to change our great land for the better. I figured they'd love me in office since I am working on a BA in Financial Services. They'd be all, "awesome another finance minded puppet for us to manipulate," and I'd be all, "suckers, they don't know that I'm just playing them so I can get into office with their backing and make some serious changes for the better."


Well-Known Member
Hemp4Victory I have been thinking about just running for office and being like, "Fuck you!" I have also considered trying to found a national party, just like fucking break into the shit. IMO, if a youth party of canada or something akin to that were formed, it would be fucking incredibly well received. Not to mention the youth have an astronomical vote share in most democratic states, but lots don't vote because they don't want to have to subscribe to the ideas of a bunch of old men on one side of the room or a bunch of old men on the other side. Even if they agree partially, the differences are sometimes just to much to have to accept a label. Or they just get stoned and miss the day, that happens too.......



Well-Known Member
Here in Canada you can't vote until you're old enough to be a member of this site..
(Oh, and our youth are pretty fucking hopeless for the most part..)


Well-Known Member
Here in Canada you can't vote until you're old enough to be a member of this site..
(Oh, and our youth are pretty fucking hopeless for the most part..)
I don't really know what your getting at.....Ok, so you can't vote until your 18, but you can't drink until your nineteen, oh and you can't smoke weed unless your sick. But what I don't understand is how somebody can say something like a youth party of canada would be well received and the response is that they are hopeless for the most part. I would think that having even a small number of people interested in an idea like that would prove that there is no hopelessness, just ill spirited comments of limits and unattainability from people like you. That is the reason that the youth may seem hopeless to your eyes, because they are not given the opportunity to prove beyond expectation, they are told there is a way of doing things, and its the way these things are going to get done, well not anymore. I mean born2killspam, in no way is this directed at you, but if you were born to kill spam, which is a fairly minimalist calling, and your comment seems to generally support that assessment. Then I will do my fucking damnedest to form a party that you will have to vote for, because not voting for it will go against every moral bone in your body. That being said I will love to hear more from other people who live in Canada what they think about a youth party, or a something similar, something that people will flock to be apart of.
