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  1. J

    Fox Farm Nutes question

    I checked amazon and shipping was almost $22. Might be better off just going to the hydro store.
  2. J

    Fox Farm Nutes question

    Thanks for the help, I checked out the website and it is probably where I will order from. Does the trio pack last for more than one grow and can it be stored and used again at a later time if not all is used during the grow?
  3. J

    Fox Farm Nutes question

    Oh I see, I just read the hydro nutes and soil nutes. They read as follow; hydro grow big 3-2-6 big bloom .01-.3-.7 tiger bloom 2-8-4 soil grow big 6-4-4 big bloom .01-.3-.7 tiger bloom 2-8-4 So judging by this, I can get regular tiger bloom and big bloom and use on both since the numbers are...
  4. J

    Fox Farm Nutes question

    If there are 3 in soil and 2 in Hempy Buckets, what nutes should you buy? Is it possible to use soil nutes in hydro or vise-versa? I was just looking at grow big and big bloom, not tiger bloom. So the main question is can one use soil nutes in hydro or hydro nutes in soil, and if so which...
  5. J

    Couple Questions

    Update: Humidity meter read 79% lol, but I think I fixed the dehumidifier drainage pipe so I will check it tomorrow and see how it looks. As for my fourth question on nutes, does anyone have an idea whether the hempy bucket method can use regular nutes or does it have to be hydro nutes? If it...
  6. J

    Seedling Soil?

    So is it agreed that for seedlings MG seedling starter > FFOF? Or should perlite be added to FFOF in hope it doesn't burn?
  7. J

    Couple Questions

    I am going out today to get a humidity/ thermometer meter to see what I'm at now. The dehumidifier always shuts off when it fills. There used to be some kind of hose that drained it, but that seems to be broken now so hopefully I can get this all fixed soon. Additional info; -400w mh/hps -3x...
  8. J

    Couple Questions

    1) How much humidity is too much? Have a very old basement that is quite humid, even with a dehumidifier in there. It is an unfinished basement. 2) How long can you veg in 16oz solo cups? Is it possible to determine sex in these cups or would they become root bound by that time? 3) What is...
  9. J

    Seedling Soil?

    How would the MG seedling starter mix work? The numbers on the back are .05 .01 .05. There isn't much availability left since it's getting to the end of the season.
  10. J

    Seedling Soil?

    I was wondering what soil is good for seedlings because I keep reading that FFOF will burn new plants. So to start off in solo cups, what would be a good mix? Didn't see FFLW at the hydro store... Thanks.
  11. J

    Miracle Grow Questions

    Yea I read the back of the MG perlite and it said it had a little bit of n, p, and k. Then it says something about fertilzer but doesn't really give too much info on it. It is probably just talking about the n, p, and k. The amounts are very little, below 1%.
  12. J

    Miracle Grow Questions

    I know MG is usually avoided, but what about the MG Perlite? The Hempy Bucket Method seems interesting and I was wondering if this perlite would work or if they would have better varieties at the hydro store. Also, I have heard that MG Moisture Control soil is okay to use. Any truth behind...
  13. J

    Deep water culture only thread

    Just a quick question. Lets say you have a 18-20 gallon container and plan to grow 3-4 plants. How many 5" round airstones would you need and what would be a good size pump to get? Thanks.