Couple Questions


Active Member
1) How much humidity is too much? Have a very old basement that is quite humid, even with a dehumidifier in there. It is an unfinished basement.

2) How long can you veg in 16oz solo cups? Is it possible to determine sex in these cups or would they become root bound by that time?

3) What is the best way to prevent bugs in a basement? Sprayed Ortho Home Defense Max which is supposed to keep out bugs, but these centipedes seem to get through the barrier.

4) Plan on getting fox farm grow big and big bloom nutes. 2 will be hempy buckets and 3 in soil. Can I use regular soil nutes for the HB or does that need the hydro nutes? Does it really make a difference or can I just go with the regular soil nutes?

Thanks in advance for all replies...


Well-Known Member
1. over 60%rh is too much for vegging. over 40% is too much for flowering
2. do not use solo cups. buy actual pots for $.96 apiece. you want no rootbinding.
3. the bugs always come back. all i have found to do is to put "great stuff" in any crack or hole i can find. then spray. then put poly and duct tape over everything.


Well-Known Member
1) humidity is not a big issue in veg. Mine is runnig 50-60% atm just keep good air movment.
2) you can finish in a solo cup if you want to.
3) I found hot shot spryed in the cracks and such keep most of the Bugs dead.


Active Member
I am going out today to get a humidity/ thermometer meter to see what I'm at now. The dehumidifier always shuts off when it fills. There used to be some kind of hose that drained it, but that seems to be broken now so hopefully I can get this all fixed soon.

Additional info;
-400w mh/hps
-3x 5gal buckets
-2x 12in pots
-room is ~6'W 8'L 7'H
-FFOF soil
-probably MG seedling starter to start with
-2 buckets will be hempy method
-1 bucket and both 12" pots will be soil
-6 week veg
-2 fans (1 oscillating on plants, 1 steady on bulb)
- FF grow big and big bloom nutes
Hopefully all goes according to plan...


Active Member
Humidity meter read 79% lol, but I think I fixed the dehumidifier drainage pipe so I will check it tomorrow and see how it looks.
As for my fourth question on nutes, does anyone have an idea whether the hempy bucket method can use regular nutes or does it have to be hydro nutes? If it doesn't make a big difference that would be great because there will be 3 soil and 2 HB, so it would save like $35. Thanks.