Fox Farm Nutes question


Active Member
If there are 3 in soil and 2 in Hempy Buckets, what nutes should you buy? Is it possible to use soil nutes in hydro or vise-versa? I was just looking at grow big and big bloom, not tiger bloom. So the main question is can one use soil nutes in hydro or hydro nutes in soil, and if so which? Thanks.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
No I would not suggest it as the ratios are way different so if you add the soil to the dro you ll be guessing at best and it wount be able to follow the charts thats why they make hydro and soil Grow Big.. You really should get the Tiger Bloom too as you miss alot without it as its 3 part nute mix


Active Member
Oh I see, I just read the hydro nutes and soil nutes. They read as follow;
grow big 3-2-6
big bloom .01-.3-.7
tiger bloom 2-8-4

grow big 6-4-4
big bloom .01-.3-.7
tiger bloom 2-8-4

So judging by this, I can get regular tiger bloom and big bloom and use on both since the numbers are the same, but for grow but I will need both?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
yes the Tiger and Big bllom are made for either or but the Nitrogen bottle of Grow Big is specific for soil or hydro each bottle for the grow method


Active Member
Thanks for the help, I checked out the website and it is probably where I will order from.
Does the trio pack last for more than one grow and can it be stored and used again at a later time if not all is used during the grow?


Well-Known Member
Actually you can use FF grow big soil (green) in hydro. Ive used it successfully and the Fox Farm Tech support claims that it a better product than the hydro (blue). The hydro store guy had the same response. And yes do use the tiger bloom in flower. They have a feeding schedule on their website, it should answer your questions.

The trio should last 2 or 3 small grows. And the Big Bloom is not flowering food really. Its more of a buffer and stabilizer to use the entire grow and as a foliar feed(lights off only). Also BB is so low in NPK that it will never nute burn.

Go easy on the GB when the plants are in their first month, it will burn so go 1/4 strength for then first two weeks, 1/2 for two, then to 100% of reccomended amount.

Also, there is no Calcium or magnesium in FF so get a calmag product to add


Well-Known Member
yeah shipping is kinda high on soil i ordered two bags of soil the other day and the shipping was $30.00. it is because of weight


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I never order soil costs to much and usually cheaper to drive to a hydro shop and pick it up...I will disagree with bigbrew on some of what he is saying..Any hydro shop owner who would suggest using the Grow Big soil in a hydro grow is not a good plkace to buy. If you call foxfarm some might tell you you can use the soil in the hydro and about 75% strength which now makes all your charts and ppm a guessing game as it wont match the soil usgae chart and the ppms will not match your hydro chart ppms so you now have no way of monitoring and pushing the plants its a total crap shoot and abd idea to do. The soil bottles mix is much hotter then the hydro mix but with hydro you have to be very careful as the uptake availibility is much easier and quicker so the plants can be damaged if the exact amount isn tknown which is the case if your using a soil formula in a hydro setup. I have talked to few at Fox Farm over the years been a FF guy for about 10 or so years and most will advise not interchanging as it will be more trouble then the $15 for the correct bottle of GB... Now the the big bllom does have some stabilizing attributes but is more for the flower switch over as ytou cut your nitrogen (grow Big back and increase the BB when going to flower which this nute chnage triggers the plant into thinking the season has changed and it will with the light change produce the middle to end life stage of flower. The tiger bloom help encourage more flower sites and less stress on the plant. I have used FF for over 10 years and know many growers personally who have used it long and never ever have I seen any need to add cal mag or any other calcium or mag additive its not needed and can cause some issues as its not made to be used with the FF mix. If you want the micros then get the trio micro nutes of Bestie bloomz, open seasame, and cha ching. I would reccomend no need for the cal mag or such as its not needed


Well-Known Member
you can get the trio pack off of amazon for like 37.99 plus shipping and I would use soil with soil and hydro for hydro that is why it is stated on the bottle:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I never order soil costs to much and usually cheaper to drive to a hydro shop and pick it up...I will disagree with bigbrew on some of what he is saying..Any hydro shop owner who would suggest using the Grow Big soil in a hydro grow is not a good plkace to buy. If you call foxfarm some might tell you you can use the soil in the hydro and about 75% strength which now makes all your charts and ppm a guessing game as it wont match the soil usgae chart and the ppms will not match your hydro chart ppms so you now have no way of monitoring and pushing the plants its a total crap shoot and abd idea to do. The soil bottles mix is much hotter then the hydro mix but with hydro you have to be very careful as the uptake availibility is much easier and quicker so the plants can be damaged if the exact amount isn tknown which is the case if your using a soil formula in a hydro setup. I have talked to few at Fox Farm over the years been a FF guy for about 10 or so years and most will advise not interchanging as it will be more trouble then the $15 for the correct bottle of GB... Now the the big bllom does have some stabilizing attributes but is more for the flower switch over as ytou cut your nitrogen (grow Big back and increase the BB when going to flower which this nute chnage triggers the plant into thinking the season has changed and it will with the light change produce the middle to end life stage of flower. The tiger bloom help encourage more flower sites and less stress on the plant. I have used FF for over 10 years and know many growers personally who have used it long and never ever have I seen any need to add cal mag or any other calcium or mag additive its not needed and can cause some issues as its not made to be used with the FF mix. If you want the micros then get the trio micro nutes of Bestie bloomz, open seasame, and cha ching. I would reccomend no need for the cal mag or such as its not needed
I forgot to add that I use RO water and was getting calcium defs and thus the cal-mag.

The Fox Farms tech support and the hydro store did say exactly what u mentioned... that the hydro GB and the soil GB are almost the same except the soil is more concentrated but sell for the same price so you got a better value with the soil product. Ive only got a couple crops with FF but they apparantly only had the soil version for years and hydro growers used it for years at 75% str.


Well-Known Member
I have used FF for over 10 years and know many growers personally who have used it long and never ever have I seen any need to add cal mag or any other calcium or mag additive its not needed and can cause some issues as its not made to be used with the FF mix. If you want the micros then get the trio micro nutes of Bestie bloomz, open seasame, and cha ching. I would reccomend no need for the cal mag or such as its not needed
I'm a little late on this one, but hopefully someone sees it. The one thing that you definitely need to add if you're only using Grow Big at the time, is epsom (magnesium sulfate) salt. Grow Big does not contain any Sulfur what so ever.