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  1. Weedman2007

    real noob transplant question

    Id switch to coco man dont see a big issue with its never gave me any problems.
  2. Weedman2007

    After the seeds have sprouted.whats next,newbie here.

    I can try to help you the best I can send me a email and I'll try to walk you through everything you need to do my email should be on my profile.
  3. Weedman2007

    Question On Getting Your Bud Ready For Smoke.......

    Once you have jared it and it has cured its ready to smoke. I dont take the stems out unless there big but that your preference Id say your ready to enjoy your bud man.
  4. Weedman2007

    just thought id post some pics and get some feed back

    Looks good man keep it up.
  5. Weedman2007

    first grow, stretch?

    Id give her another week and slowly start giving her nutes but when you do dont feed her a full mix of nutes give her about half then start increasing to what it calls for during veg
  6. Weedman2007

    first grow, stretch?

    How old is she?
  7. Weedman2007

    Having problem may of given it too much H2O

    Yeah man you say there 3 weeks from seed I'd leave your dome off and see if they start improving.
  8. Weedman2007

    Hermed killawatt??!

    Very nice man really good looking plant wish you the best
  9. Weedman2007

    ITs done?

    Right on bout the same Im using yeah man Id go ahead and start flushing
  10. Weedman2007

    Hermed killawatt??!

    I understand man glad to help good luck.
  11. Weedman2007

    first grow, stretch?

    She looks healthy also looks to be reaching for light how close you say the light is?
  12. Weedman2007

    Hermed killawatt??!

    I think its to early still give them a little longer just keep a eye on them.
  13. Weedman2007

    Hermed killawatt??!

    You able to post any pics?
  14. Weedman2007

    ITs done?

    What kinda nutes you running? they organic? If your gonna pull in a week Id start giving them straight water
  15. Weedman2007

    R these females

    Yeah for sure man these are girls. Looking good keep up the work
  16. Weedman2007

    ITs done?

    They all look good nice and healthy good job man keep it up. Id also give em another week at least but could be pulled now if you wanted.
  17. Weedman2007

    Bag seed flower.. Just started flush today, how much longer?

    How long have you been flowering her? Just a guess?
  18. Weedman2007

    plant sex

    Gonna have to lean towards male but thats just my opinion. How old is the plant and if you dont mind me asking what strain?
  19. Weedman2007

    Just a little advice needed

    How big are they getting in veg before you switching to bud?
  20. Weedman2007

    Watering frequency (COCO)

    Yeah you shouldnt have a problem doing every 2 days if anything you'll make them thrive more. Whats your temps is it staying under 80 degees?