real noob transplant question


Active Member
can I transplant from a shitty potting mix I have them in to a larger container with coco coir? The reason I ask is because they are obviously used to the environment that they have developed in, and the root ball will obviously be compacted with the potting mix, so the final product would end up being a potting mix/coco mixture more or less. Is this okay to do?


Well-Known Member
for best results with coco u wanna run it like hydro anyways with full auto feed system we run our coco setups with a timed feed at 3 times a day run to wast


Active Member
yeah I suppose ill just go full on coco if these plants survive. they're giving me headache after headache. The soil I have is pretty bad, premixed nutes that when I try to flush they burn and freaking bugs and waterlogging issues even with perlite.. Even the freaking perlite I have has premixed nutes in it. Ugh.


Active Member
yeah I suppose ill just go full on coco if these plants survive. they're giving me headache after headache. The soil I have is pretty bad, premixed nutes that when I try to flush they burn and freaking bugs and waterlogging issues even with perlite.. Even the freaking perlite I have has premixed nutes in it. Ugh.
Ya know you can always just use a different soil. Roots organic is very nice full of peri


Well-Known Member
yeah I suppose ill just go full on coco if these plants survive. they're giving me headache after headache. The soil I have is pretty bad, premixed nutes that when I try to flush they burn and freaking bugs and waterlogging issues even with perlite.. Even the freaking perlite I have has premixed nutes in it. Ugh.
how big are the pots they are in now?


Active Member
i believe that's what I will do, but (and im just curious here) why not coco? Is it because you just don't want to mix up two completely different types of media?


Well-Known Member
well the dirt sitting in ur root ball u dont get ride of all of it u go hitting it 3 times a day with water or even once a day = root rot which = dead plants


Active Member heres some pics of the grow im talking about. I'm just trying not to give up on them. To make a long story short: its been a real learning experience dealing with pre-nuted soil and I wish I would have educated myself further, but I suppose the reason I educated myself in the first place is because of these seeds so no matter what I can chalk this up to a learning experience anyway you slice it. Is that the write spelling for chalk in that context? IDK but its all good, prob won't transplant into a different media but was just curious as to whether or not it could be done.