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  1. Weedman2007

    I'm new and looking for advise.

    Coco Coir is is a natural fiber extracted from the husk of coconut its great to medium to grow in. A couple of good products I have ran is General Hydroponics Coco Tek and B Cuzz Coco. The coco has nothing in it which makes it nice when adding your nutrients help fine tune everything.
  2. Weedman2007

    I'm new and looking for advise.

    Dose look good man Id personally I'd use coco instead of dirt good luck.
  3. Weedman2007

    Winter and heating...

    If you increase your light like budman111 said it should help you with that temp.
  4. Weedman2007

    ever heard of this technique, does it work?

    Thats interesting may have to try that out. Now can you do this with any strain or certain ones?
  5. Weedman2007

    Smokin Sticky

    Smokin Sticky
  6. Weedman2007

    how much yeild will i get of northern lights and lemon haze? LOOK!

    Its really hard to tell how much you'll yield until the plant is close to finishing. How big of pots you using and how big are they right now in veg?
  7. Weedman2007

    Growing Problems

    I have 2 differents lights on them. One is a plant bulb 65watts and the other one is a fluorescent bulb 75watts. My watering schedule is every morning and night and I spray the plants with water every so often. They are now pushing 4weeks old. I just uploaded some pics on my profile.
  8. Weedman2007

    Growing Problems

    Hi everyone, I'm having growing problems hopein someone can answer my questions. I just transplanted my plants to a bigger pot and upgraded my lights and the first problem I had was I put them in transplant shock probally 4 days ago. Two of them are starting to come out of it one already died...