how much yeild will i get of northern lights and lemon haze? LOOK!


I have been flowering this northern lights for over 1 and a half months it got burnt about 2 weeks ago badly so i had to cut the top part of which i was gutted about... although i kept on vegging it as much as i could and switched it into flowering below are pictures of how it is now please could you tell me how much i may get off it and also if the top is recoverable in flower? can you tell me on ways of improving it whilst in flower maybe this is the first time i have grown so i can improve gradually...

its in a 8litre root pouch and is growing nicely at the moment
under a 600w hps and coco nutes

need help on what to do on lemon haze also it has not been growing recently or is growing slow i have kept it constant whilst watering etc alongside the northern but it is not as big as it or healthy... any advice..?



huh what you mean 2 oz's seriously? they should double or triple whilst in flowering i dont know why the lemon is growing slow aswell...


Active Member
Its really hard to tell how much you'll yield until the plant is close to finishing. How big of pots you using and how big are they right now in veg?


Active Member
With 8 litre pots I doubt youll get that much. Specially if you cut the mid stem that late.

I myself grow white widows in cabinets. 11 litre pots, try to stop them at about 80 to 100cm final height. My cabs are 60x60cm and I use 1x250w MH for veg and 250w HPS for flowering. This gives me about 40 grams high quality per plant in a good grow with little to no trouble during the grow.

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With 8 litre pots I doubt youll get that much. Specially if you cut the mid stem that late.

I myself grow white widows in cabinets. 11 litre pots, try to stop them at about 80 to 100cm final height. My cabs are 60x60cm and I use 1x250w MH for veg and 250w HPS for flowering. This gives me about 40 grams high quality per plant in a good grow with little to no trouble during the grow.

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hmm nice ! , what you reckon i should do as i reckon the 600w will get a good yield overall nd i dont want to replant the NL again might fuck it up ..


With 8 litre pots I doubt youll get that much. Specially if you cut the mid stem that late.

I myself grow white widows in cabinets. 11 litre pots, try to stop them at about 80 to 100cm final height. My cabs are 60x60cm and I use 1x250w MH for veg and 250w HPS for flowering. This gives me about 40 grams high quality per plant in a good grow with little to no trouble during the grow.

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nd how much for an estimate you reckon ill get of the Northern Lights ?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
HAZE is going to run slow.....slang for Sativa.....Sativa's run patient.

Yield? No one can really say with any accuracy....Worrying about yield at this point is a waste of your time.....Focus on the plants.....


Active Member
Yeah i agree with kingshak above. Focus on getting them to harvest. Youre out of things to do now this late so focus on reaching the finish line and learn from your mistakes ;)

Hard to say how much you'll get, but from the height of your plant, maybe 10-20 grams per top and branch. You'll know more in 3 weeks if shes still alive :)

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Active Member
Main mistake you made is too small pots for that height imo. 10 litres is kinda small for a 1 metre hybrid. If i had more room i'd up mine to 15-18 Litres. Other than that, 600watts will burn plants fast if youre not careful with the height of the light. And last but definetly not least, you need to prune, top and LST if you want a bushier plant with more yield ;)

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