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  1. spiralstaircase13

    300w of CFL Noobness gone Dank!

    I would say to save the nutes till it gets some roots going. It's good to think of clones like new seedlings, its best not to fuss with them too much until they get established.
  2. spiralstaircase13

    300w of CFL Noobness gone Dank!

    I've cut off the bottoms of soda bottles to use as humidity domes for clones before. It can take some time for them to root, but I've never had a cutting die on me.
  3. spiralstaircase13

    +Bagseed+ Mid Grade+ CFL+

    The top roots tend to get exposed over time as the soil compacts from watering. Just add some more soil to the top and your good to go. Don't blame yourself for it being a hermi, sometimes it just happens. You can still keep it, and you will get bud off it, but it won't be as much yield as...
  4. spiralstaircase13

    +Bagseed+ Mid Grade+ CFL+

    I second that, don't be afraid to bury part of stem base too. Hard to say from the pic, something from the side or if there's anything going on on the lower branches might be better to see. Also, some of your bigger fan leaves look like they are cupping (curling under).
  5. spiralstaircase13

    +Bagseed+ Mid Grade+ CFL+

    brannddon, no, males will just produce sacs of pollen. lots and lots of it. Hermis are annoying. you can try to pick off the "balls", but at some point your gonna have trouble with that without also disturbing your buds.
  6. spiralstaircase13

    Harvest Time?

    I would wait a bit longer. I always struggle with this stage and wanting to harvest. I usually try to tell myself that when I think they're ready to give it another week (two if I can hold out). It's just so hard when your excited :weed:
  7. spiralstaircase13

    3rd grow, CFL, Bagseed

    I finally gave in and harvested her (I blame stress at work). I'm pretty pleased with the outcome tho :)
  8. spiralstaircase13

    3rd grow, CFL, Bagseed

    63.8g wet weight. pics coming soon. 9 weeks flowering, 12 weeks old.
  9. spiralstaircase13

    3rd grow, CFL, Bagseed

    i've decided to let her go another week. took a sample last night which was pretty good, but i think she could be better with a little more time. the waiting is killing me since i've not had bud around for about 3 months. smoked a ton last weekend with a friend at a sunset to sunrise...
  10. spiralstaircase13

    First Grow: Diary of a "Growing" Obsession

    the taste will improve the longer it cures. also, price depends a ton on where u live and who you know. i've paid everything from $25-60 for an eighth.
  11. spiralstaircase13

    3rd grow, CFL, Bagseed

    Considering chopping her this weekend. That would put her at just under 12 weeks old and 8 weeks of flowering. I would like to make more room for my other girl and two clones. No scope, so no way to check out her trichs. Any thoughts?
  12. spiralstaircase13

    First Grow: Diary of a "Growing" Obsession

    nice man, thats pretty good for your first :)
  13. spiralstaircase13

    3rd grow, CFL, Bagseed

    Thanks for all the compliments guys! So far this has been my best grow and I'm really excited about the finished product. I think I have maybe 2 weeks left to go. Its really nothing fancy. I found a litter box cover that the last residents of my house had left behind so I spray painted...
  14. spiralstaircase13

    First Grow: Diary of a "Growing" Obsession

    seriously, its molasses. you should be able to find it any grocery store. They usually keep it with the syrup or baking stuff.
  15. spiralstaircase13

    3rd grow, CFL, Bagseed

    she's probably more like 2 feet now. haven't ever measured her tho. the taller sativa like one is like 3 ft and would have kept going if I didn't keep trimming her back.
  16. spiralstaircase13

    3rd grow, CFL, Bagseed

    i'd say the taller ones were 8-9 inches and the one thats almost done was probably 6-7 inches when I switched them over.
  17. spiralstaircase13

    First Grow: Diary of a "Growing" Obsession

    i'm right there with u dude. my plant is just a little behind yours i think and i'm getting antsy about wanting here to be done
  18. spiralstaircase13

    3rd grow, CFL, Bagseed

    so, i was checking on my girls this evening and decided that I should turn the one around since I thought her buds looked smaller on the side that wasn't right near the lights. To my surprise, she had grown what i'm gonna call a thumb around the backside (which I don't really ever see)! So...
  19. spiralstaircase13

    3rd grow, CFL, Bagseed

    not long now, can't wait to harvest!
  20. spiralstaircase13

    First Grow: Diary of a "Growing" Obsession

    I've not had an issue with my girls putting out that real strong smell either, but it could be covered up by my stanky garage. lol. I definitely get a good smell if I brush against the plants, which is normal for many plants as it releases a small amount of the oils (think like herbs you cook...