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  1. StinkyLeaf

    trichrome stability

    I can't tell you that I know exactly why....BUT, I, at one point was growing a nice blueberry plant that was very rich with trichs. It was grown indoors. THEN....I gave a clone of that same strain to a friend who decided to grow it in his backyard. The plant looks COMPLETELY different! I cant...
  2. StinkyLeaf

    mutant? bud growing on water leaf

    Hey, so I know that this thread is really really old....BUT..... thought I would put it out there that my four dutch passion blueberry,1st generation clones, are growing bud on leaves too...but its everywhere....weird, but what can I do....dont want to snip them cause there is bud there!...but...
  3. StinkyLeaf

    First Grow/ Blueberry week5

    Well.....there are roots down in the res.....a lot of them. there are a bunch of holes at the bottom of that top pot already letting roots through to the water. I dont have an airstone in there, Ill try adding that in there and see if it helps. But as for making a big hole in the bottom of the...
  4. StinkyLeaf

    First Grow/ Blueberry week5

    No one has any ideas about those leaves that curl down around the nugs? ....Gonna give this a little bump :)
  5. StinkyLeaf

    First Grow/ Blueberry week5

    I try to keep my ph at about 5.5 or so and the nutes are always done 3-2-1 (bloom-micro-gro) running the ppm at about 1200 these days. Been trying to go easy cause I know that blueberry is picky with the nutes. I have been wondering if the small leaves around the buds are supposed to be...
  6. StinkyLeaf

    First Grow/ Blueberry week5

    Not far away at all... half a foot? They are not burning though because I have a huge fan pointing straight at the light and the area between the light and the plant, so It stays nice and cool. Got the new bulb today, going to put it in tomorrow night And I am not exactly sure how long the...
  7. StinkyLeaf

    New to Hydro

    Well, someone please correct me if I am wrong, BUT... As far as I know, once a cutting has rooted, it is ready for like 900ppm strength nutes. The theory behind this is that a clone is essentially the same age as its mother, therefore it is mature enough, once it roots, to take on full nutes...
  8. StinkyLeaf

    what do you think of this little hydro setup?

    Yeah, I think Mammoth is right too. The resivoir, your clear container needs to be light proof to prevent algae from growing in your water. And I am not expert, but I dont think that your hydroton should be sitting in the water that way. As far as I have learned so far the pots are supposed to...
  9. StinkyLeaf

    First Grow/ Blueberry week5

    Hey all! I am growing a Dutch Passion Blueberry Fem. It was grown from seed and it's in a 2 gal res drip system bucket with hydroton. I feed with RO water and use General Hydroponic Flora 3 part nutes (gro, micro, bloom). I am also giving the girl Foxfarm cha ching right now, having given it...
  10. StinkyLeaf

    Ice w/ mg deficiency? and Mutant BB!! Help me diagnose and stuff?

    using ghflora 3 part nutes Help! The first couple of pics is of the ice strain. Its about 2-3 weeks old. The yellowing started and then i upped the nutes from 360 to about 600 and some of the yellowing went away but now there is more. Is this a mag deficiency? If so how could i treat it. this...
  11. StinkyLeaf


    Thanks :) a lot
  12. StinkyLeaf


    so....does that mean that i should take out the two seeds that i didnt put in the paper towel to germinate, and try to germinate them now? have the seeds gone bad by now? can i save them? they were real good seeds, feminized....ide be sad if i wasted them :(
  13. StinkyLeaf


    Hey gang! So....sorry to barge in here and everything but I have a question about hydroponics! When you germinate or start from seeds in general, what is the best way to do it? I know that when you use soil you germinate using, usually a damp paper towel and a warm spot in the house...but for...
  14. StinkyLeaf

    best way to germinate seeds

    really?.....hmm....well I am about to start my second round of plants in my hydro dripper bucket. The first time around, I just soaked the stonewool in distilled water for about 2 hours then stuck the seeds in them pointed down.....week later I has little sprouts. Should I germinate them before...