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  1. 8deez8

    UVB lighting late in flower

    I will say that too much UVB late in flower will cause the trichomes to go amber prematurely. Just speculation here but I am pretty sure that amber trichomes have more degraded THC and therefore more CBD. I always pack on the UVB early in flower and taper off as the plant matures. To demonstrate...
  2. 8deez8

    UVB lighting late in flower

    I use UVB as well and am convinced of its effectiveness... however,... for science sake... it is quite possible that because he was using only HPS that the increased vitality of the bud may have been from the added blue spectrums coming from the other 90% of the pet lamps output.. activating...
  3. 8deez8

    Worst/Best state to grow/consume pot

    hows massachusetts? new law taking effect first of this year...
  4. 8deez8

    Leaves turning yellow/brown spots/dying/losing green

    definitely a magnesium out of range will hamper magnesium uptake..flush with 6.2-6.6 ph water with 1/2 tsp per gallon epsom salt. this is one of the most common problems...
  5. 8deez8

    HID lighting help, Please :)

    Hello, When you say 5 square feet we assume you mean like a 1ft x 5ft area or 2.24'x2.24' growing area. For five square feet of growing area in a mostly square-like pattern I would recommend a 250w Philips MasterColor Horizontal CMH bulb. Ceramic Metal Halide will make all the difference over...
  6. 8deez8

    Northern Lights x Skunk x Haze?

    Northern Lights (any # or phenotype) x Skunk (any #/pheno) x Haze I was hoping you guys could help me compose a list of strains that consist only of these 3 strains mixed? BC Mango Haze Jack Herer What others? deez
  7. 8deez8

    Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow

    If this has been addressed earlier in the thread forgive me. I wanted to ask the author a question. It says in the title that you are using UV light, however the only reference to non visible light supplementation I can find in the thread is the following quote: Are you using X ray lamps...
  8. 8deez8

    My Next Light? 400 MH/HPS vs 430 HPS

    i would agree get a philips cmh 400w in a magnetic ballast set up. cannot beat the CRI plants love it
  9. 8deez8

    **need HELP with choosing a 150w hps system for my first AF indoor closet grow**

    if you havent already ordered you can get a 250w CMH set up for less than 100$... here's how... call up some local electrical supply companies and see if they sell Philips products. You need: a ceramic metal halide 250w bulb part number CDM250S50/HOR/4K/ALTO a 250w magnetic HPS ballast some...
  10. 8deez8

    How much cooler is a CMH?

    im going to have to disagree. Traditional metal halides throw a LOT of heat, way more than HPS. My CMH, with no cool tube, can be placed 8 in from tops no problem, and is the coolest operating HID Ive ever seen. Im not familiar with the smaller wattage HPS bulbs, but it goes something like this...
  11. 8deez8

    Wormwood Is Coming

    Some are saying that due to the lack of P or primary waves coming off of the colorado and virginia quakes, there is speculation that these were underground nukes that went off in the underground tunnels connecting the D.U.M.B. G. Eriksen has sent out a mass email since my last exchange with him...
  12. 8deez8

    Hemp seed : the creator's gift to man

    U can get a 5 lb vacuum sealed bag of organic shelled just the hearts they call them for about 45$ shipped. Cheaper for non organic. Im stockpilimg them because im one of those who thinks our monetary system will fail very very soon and also the possibility of earthquake/major disaster is...
  13. 8deez8

    Wormwood Is Coming

    5.9 in virginia just hours after a 5.5 in colorado..I know those aren't massive but the sure are in 'divers places' and are increasing in frequency like 'birth pangs' closer and closer together, just like the Christ said
  14. 8deez8

    Ron Paul takes meaty shit on rick santourum.

    Smirgen not sure what you meant by that, Ron Paul owns tho. I think the (hidden powers) are putting Newt Gingrich in to split Paul's vote. Funny watchin the debate. Each of the other candidates has some interest to serve while Ron Paul is just slayin'. Jump to 1:38:00 in the vid...
  15. 8deez8

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    Anyone run side by aide ceramic metal halide with top of the line led and compare quality? I don't care bout kw*hr. In my experience color rendering is crucial for quality and I don't think less have matched cri yet, id love to be proved wrong
  16. 8deez8

    Is everyone that died before the advent of Christianity burning in hell?

    The New Testament attests to this as well: Peter (1 Peter 3:18) is thought to be referring to the descent into Hell when he writes: being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the spirit, by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison. Prison...
  17. 8deez8


    I remember fritz springmeier detailing a heirarchy and the 300 and knights of malta being 2 or 3 steps on the pyramid from the top. Don't rememer the jesuits place they probably fall into upper level satanists which fritz considers the highest these include 33rd degree fm's. People who...
  18. 8deez8

    Is everyone that died before the advent of Christianity burning in hell?

    God has never been wrong, according to the stories He gives us He wants us to petition Him for his favor and nothing is fated to us because His knowledge and power knows not the limits of time or anythig else.
  19. 8deez8

    Is everyone that died before the advent of Christianity burning in hell?

    Im 99% sure according to scripture that when Jesus was killed on the cross he went to hades where everyone went who died through the ages, even upstanding people bexause everyone falls short of thw glory of God. He preached for 3 days (in "hell") and those that accepted him as king and eternal...
  20. 8deez8


    One of the wisest quotes I've ever heard came from young leader in Africa ethopia I think. He said the worst thing anyone has ever enforced in Africa was compound interest. Yea you can move but there are less than 6 countries in the world without fractional reserve practicing central banks...