Is everyone that died before the advent of Christianity burning in hell?


Active Member
According to whom?Who personaly witnesses christ going to hades and preaching for 3 days?Imagination is sometimes so very terrible.....and contagious and confused as"visions".You cant know, no one can,u may imagine it though.It is total crock to think that every man,woman or child would go to hell,for never hearing of the gospel or Jesus.Its extreme in its thought and principle,though i would be inclined to believe that an all understanding creator would judge fairly of the hearts content and not by the fearful standards of the human mind that would include the insane idea aforementioned here.
The New Testament attests to this as well: Peter (1 Peter 3:18) is thought to be referring to the descent into Hell when he writes: [SIZE=+1]being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the spirit, by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison[/SIZE]. Prison must mean Hell.
[SIZE=+1]Acts 2:31 31 He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. (KJV)

[SIZE=+1]No i didnt imagine it is Scriptural. And Im sorry to hear that, maybe you should look into what's going on in our world system. infalliable? When you look at the bible with a questioning spirit you can find what you think are errors, but when you look at it with a hungry spirit things begin to make sense. Not to say that the Bible will not stand the test of the scientific process, it can and does daily. The book of Daniel predicts the 4 world powers that would operate, The Babylonian, The Medo-persian, The Greek, and finally Rome, with uncanny accuracy. The story is told to the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar it is actually a remarkable story. Of course skeptics will say that was written after the fact. So consider the next upcoming prophecy...that the antichrist would rule the world for 7 horrible years and everyone will have to have the mark of the beast in order to buy or sell. Ever heard of RFID chips? One world government? It is all happening very fast and the people behind it are evil incarnate. Those who accept the mark are eternally damned. we have been conditioned to laugh and carry on at remarks like those, that is part of their brain wash and mind control. But your mind can be set free by Jesus. Thread killed?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
if it took you 3 minuites to speak to saint christopher at the perly gates before he allowed you into heaven, there would be a cue to get into heaven that was so imense you couldnt imagine , put it this way , cave men would still be standing in the que waiting to get in .


Well-Known Member
if it took you 3 minuites to speak to saint christopher at the perly gates before he allowed you into heaven, there would be a cue to get into heaven that was so imense you couldnt imagine , put it this way , cave men would still be standing in the que waiting to get in .
psst- it's St. Peter :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
The New Testament attests to this as well: Peter (1 Peter 3:18) is thought to be referring to the descent into Hell when he writes: [SIZE=+1]being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the spirit, by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison[/SIZE]. Prison must mean Hell.
[SIZE=+1]Acts 2:31 31 He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. (KJV)

[SIZE=+1]No i didnt imagine it is Scriptural. And Im sorry to hear that, maybe you should look into what's going on in our world system. infalliable? When you look at the bible with a questioning spirit you can find what you think are errors, but when you look at it with a hungry spirit things begin to make sense. Not to say that the Bible will not stand the test of the scientific process, it can and does daily. The book of Daniel predicts the 4 world powers that would operate, The Babylonian, The Medo-persian, The Greek, and finally Rome, with uncanny accuracy. The story is told to the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar it is actually a remarkable story. Of course skeptics will say that was written after the fact. So consider the next upcoming prophecy...that the antichrist would rule the world for 7 horrible years and everyone will have to have the mark of the beast in order to buy or sell. Ever heard of RFID chips? One world government? It is all happening very fast and the people behind it are evil incarnate. Those who accept the mark are eternally damned. we have been conditioned to laugh and carry on at remarks like those, that is part of their brain wash and mind control. But your mind can be set free by Jesus. Thread killed?

Amazing how religious people are so stuck to their "faith" like a little brainwashed army.......i dont look at the bible with a questioning spirit...its called deductive logic,discerning what is true and not true.Looking at the bible with a "hungry spirit" hungry for truth?Is that what you mean?Dont attempt to lecture me with your jargan and as far as truth goes,you must look to yourself for that and youll find truth if you look long enough.Stare at the words in the Bible all you want just remember the Earth wasnt created in 7 days,remember as well you are subject to your own beliefs, i will not attempt to convince you of anything else.


Well-Known Member
When religion and believing in diety's has gone the way of the dodo bird, then man and society will rise up into a new age of enlightenment, that being common sense, science (with no possibility of it being biased in favour of silly madness), full and open government (including accountability), bartering and trade and of course growing whatever the hell you want to.


Well-Known Member
When religion and believing in diety's has gone the way of the dodo bird, then man and society will rise up into a new age of enlightenment, that being common sense, science (with no possibility of it being biased in favour of silly madness), full and open government (including accountability), bartering and trade and of course growing whatever the hell you want to.
I don't believe religion is holding anything back ANYMORE. Back then people were psycho and would kill people who didn't believe but tell me if religion were to end today what would change?


Well-Known Member
Amazing how some people think there better than other people when everyone is equal.
It has nothing to do with thinking im better than anyone,no where did i ever say i was superior to anyone Hephastus.I stated an opinion you are clearly offended by,not my intention to be offensive,but i dont hold myself above others.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The New Testament attests to this as well: Peter (1 Peter 3:18) is thought to be referring to the descent into Hell when he writes: [SIZE=+1]being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the spirit, by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison[/SIZE]. Prison must mean Hell.
[SIZE=+1]Acts 2:31 31 He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. (KJV)

[SIZE=+1]No i didnt imagine it is Scriptural. And Im sorry to hear that, maybe you should look into what's going on in our world system. infalliable? When you look at the bible with a questioning spirit you can find what you think are errors, but when you look at it with a hungry spirit things begin to make sense. Not to say that the Bible will not stand the test of the scientific process, it can and does daily. The book of Daniel predicts the 4 world powers that would operate, The Babylonian, The Medo-persian, The Greek, and finally Rome, with uncanny accuracy. The story is told to the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar it is actually a remarkable story. Of course skeptics will say that was written after the fact. So consider the next upcoming prophecy...that the antichrist would rule the world for 7 horrible years and everyone will have to have the mark of the beast in order to buy or sell. Ever heard of RFID chips? One world government? It is all happening very fast and the people behind it are evil incarnate. Those who accept the mark are eternally damned. we have been conditioned to laugh and carry on at remarks like those, that is part of their brain wash and mind control. But your mind can be set free by Jesus. Thread killed?
Several things here that need expanding on and explained in the original context:

  1. The prison referred to is actually the time we spend before OUR resurrection as spirits without bodies. Unable to do a lot of things that we can with our bodies. It's not an actual prison but a metaphor for the state we will be in before the Second Coming
  2. Eternal damnation or punishment does not mean damnation/punishment forever. Eternal is one of God's titles. Eternal punishment means God's punishment. It doesn't mean it will last forever. What is that punishment? To have a clear unaltered memory of all our sins and peccadilloes. Which has removed us from the presence of God. Plus we will regain all the memories of our pre-mortal existence. We were the Hosts of Heaven mentioned in the Old and New Testaments. This will cause great pain and mental suffering remembering what we are lost and being removed from the presence of God. Unless, of course, you accept Christ and get baptized to wash your sins away.
  3. Unfortunately over thousands of years and many copies there are discrepancies that have crept into the Bible either by mistake or design. Mostly the New Testament. A good example would be the death of Judas recorded in a couple of New Testament books. The method of death is different in each one. Plus, the Catholic church omitted several books when they felt it didn't follow their version of the Doctrine.
  4. There are several prophecies yet to be fulfilled before the advent of the Anti-Christ. The building of the temple in Jerusalem where Solomon's temple used to stand which right now is occupied by a Mosque. Like I said... we have some time.