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  1. S

    Harvesting Your Guerilla Grow

    i use 8x8 camo tarps I place roughly trim doped in center wrap it up and tie it with rope so i have a handle. I always get dropped off and pickup at harvest. I start around dusk and try and package it all in tarps before dark. after it gets dark I start moving it road side. I usually leave the...
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    60 day wonder - is it ready?

    lookin good great job
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    can you smoke natural growing marijuana?

    I can only hope, I'll get high off this stuff
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    can you smoke natural growing marijuana?

    my really grow is in the ground still and will be to near the end of October. The best I've grown was still in the ground when the first snow hit. but alot of people in MY area harvest way to earlier before the hairs begin to turn orange. I'm 99% sure its hemp. I'm gonna try and make...
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    can you smoke natural growing marijuana?

    I a few tops, 200 was an way under estimate theirs thousands and most are over 6 feet tall here's some pics
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    can you smoke natural growing marijuana?

    Ok I've been growing for years and stumbling upon grows even longer , and this doesn't look like either. There hasnt been any care given to these plants and their in the same pastures as cattle. These pics are from a distance because I didn't want to draw attention , I'll try and post...
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    can you smoke natural growing marijuana?

    I get pics tonight and report back. The local outdoor sucks cause everyone harvest early cause of cold weather and hunting season.
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    can you smoke natural growing marijuana?

    definitely not someone elses grow, its in a pasture you can see from the road. there has to be at least 200 small stringy plants. but some look decent, but you'll have to roll the seeds out.
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    can you smoke natural growing marijuana?

    I just found a huge field of hemp . But some of the top buds are huge and look like bud. Has anyone ever smoked stuff that they thought was hemp, and did you get even a little high. I'll try and post pictures.
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    White Paint Lowers Temperature?

    its not the color as much as the foil is made to lock heat in and was creating a barrier so the heat couldn't escape
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    2 weeks in outdoor grow, is this alright??

    its kinda small but not too bad, you should give nutes til after their 2 weeks old at a minimum. then start with quarter strengh
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    Need advice on Nutrients, and question on Flushing?

    If your looking to add nutrients to the water I've had great luck with fox farms. when growing outdoors I feed every other watering with a half strength solution, and only flush with straight water for the last two weeks of flowering. I usually have good returns and my crop always has an...
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    Too late to plant outdoors?

    if their already started definitely not they just won't be as big when they go into flowering. If your just starting from seed it still can be done they won't get much veg time and maybe small and stretchy
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    5wk old plant problem?

    if you overwater when using miracle grow soil your also over feeding for a small plant. be careful not to over water. The plant is most definitely shocked and will take some time to recover. in my experience two weeks is the minium recovery time, but it can take longer up to six. If you have...
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    wilma 20 pot grow and no room:(

    if you went straight from rooted clone into flowering you should make it, but if you vegged them first they become to large. How long did you veg them for ? and any pics ? I'll be able to help more with that info
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    first timer needs advice

    They look good , keep up the good work. And remember with nutes more is sometimes better
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    400watt veg + 600 watt flower Auto Flowering journal Auto Ak47 x 3 + Auto Moscow x 3

    no way to really tell but these plants are very strong, it should be fine if you pushed the root back into the soil, this may stunt the plants growth but it may not this early in a grow
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    Greenhouse Growing Question

    during veg the plants need over 14 hours of light. if you plan to induce flowering before fall, yes you will need to protect the plants from the light. I hope this helps
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    Hang or Dry Net

    i prefer to hang mine, then glass jars. buds smell great and look amazing