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  1. M

    Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds - Trip Reports

    Wow are people just uninformed? Have you guys heard of sublingual method? Grind the seeds up, chew, and DO NOT SWALLOW at all for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes of holding like chew, spit the stuff out and rinse. DOnt let any of it get in your stomach. If you do this, you WONT GET NAUSEA. It's...
  2. M

    250watt HPS cooling

    Ok, well I tried asking a question about this, but instead everyone wanted to go crazy about the whole TIN FOIL myth, which wasn't my question....... My question WAS, does a 250 watt HPS light, ALWAYS need to be cooled via an exhaust setup with tubes leading to the attic or such. The light...
  3. M

    Do I Need Exhuast Cooling

    its not about money, it's about it looking more complex than I already will have it looking. the second my dad see's exhuast tubes going to the attic or something, he's gonna think I'm getting big time into this and he's not gonna like that, he's ok with my just growing 2 - 3 plants and that's...
  4. M

    Do I Need Exhuast Cooling

    so its very possible not to have to go into all the exhaust setup stuff for a 250watt HPS? A simple fan or 2 blowing between it and the plants, and keeping it 12" above the plants will do just fine?
  5. M

    Do I Need Exhuast Cooling

    Well, if for some reason this doesn't make sense, its probably cus I'm high...But here goes I'm in a regular sized one person room, and I have a setup of 4 plants. All in the veg state. Right now being powered by 1 65watt CFL, soon to add another this week, to hold us off till we have enough...
  6. M

    Nutes needed yet?

    I'm using fox farm soil for them. And actually the first two plants you see are quite old, maybe about 40 days old. The last one, is what you said it to be, about 3 weeks old(21 days). The first two took a while at first as they were our first plants and we changed pots maybe too many times, and...
  7. M

    Nutes needed yet?

    So here's a picture of my 5 plants, 3 doing quite well, the other 2 still small. So I'm just wondering, are there any nutes my friend and I might want to look into buying? I don't want to over due anything or burn anything, but if it doesn't hurt to add a little something right now...
  8. M

    1st grow, almost 7 weeks in flower

    What's the wattage on the CFL's? And did you use any nutes through out the grow?
  9. M

    Is this serious?

    Notice the red on the stems? Its not on every stem of the plant, but its there on some of the large new ones. Is this a depreciation of something? Is it doomed?
  10. M

    Boxes and Foil, Light and Fan, this work?

    Well last night I decided it was time to make a new setup as the plants are getting bigger. So Imagine unfolded boxes, still flat, but taped to one another's side creating a folding wall, if you can. I taped foil neatly to each side, and created a top to cover it, with foil on that as well. I...
  11. M

    Not completely Dry, can I make Brownies?

    ya the recipe calls for oil, as do MOST brownie boxes. I highly doubt butter is 1000 times better, its probably just another personal preference thing that people swear there life to that its better than the other.
  12. M

    will 5-8 grams make good brownies?

    Hey guys, well I gave out the brownies, and everyone enjoyed them. Though, most of them were already high when they ate them lol so ya. But for me, I'm a light weight with anything, and I ate HALF of a brownie that I made( 6 grams, 15 squares) and I was so fucking stoned, I felt locked down...
  13. M

    Not completely Dry, can I make Brownies?

    So I'm gathering up about 8 grams of bud to make some brownies. But The bud isn't totally dry yet, still a bit moist....Sticky though. Is it ok to still simmer all of the bud in some oil and make the oil? I've done this before and had success, but this time the bud is still kinda moist. Anyone...
  14. M

    will 5-8 grams make good brownies?

    What is considered a small batch?I just made a box of betty crocker fudge brownies that called for 2/3 oil. i cooked 6.1 grams into 2/3rds of oil, and used that for the recipe. I baked the brownies in a 8x11 glass pan, and they came nice and thick. Is this considered pretty weak? Average?
  15. M

    12 hours outside, 12 inside?

    Does the sun really supply better light than most inside lights? Will growth be better? And they still get light even in shade?
  16. M

    12 hours outside, 12 inside?

    So I'm forced to grow outside, at least till the flowering..Here is what my plants look like right now: And the rest are still seedlings growing quite fast. I have a total of 7 I don't want to put them outside right now fearing that they'll start to flower too soon...But I do want to start...
  17. M

    Anyone see something like this?

    I have about 4 seedlings right now growing along with my 2 "mature" seedlings. One looks very odd to me, not sure if its normal or not... Here's what the normal one looks like: Heres what the "Odd" one looks like: Anyone see a seedling like that before? Any comments?
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    Tomorrow will be 3 weeks - Slow Growth?

    Here's a better picture for size ratio :
  19. M

    Tomorrow will be 3 weeks - Slow Growth?

    So tomorrow marks 3 weeks from the day we saw the seed sprout from the soil, for both plants. Here is what it looks like today, 20 days later from the beginning: Now, within the 20 days, we changed soil, from the regular pellet soil to a mixture of Miracle Grow and Pearlite. This might have...
  20. M

    My 700Watt Power Supply(Computer) vs 250Watt HPS/MH

    Ok another Newbie question I guess, but here goes. I have a custom made PC I put together that contains a nice sized PSU(Power Supply). Its a 700Watt PSU, running a Quad Core CPU and a 512 MB 9800GTX Graphics card(for those who know about PC's). I'm still debating if buying a 250watt HPS/MH is...