Nutes needed yet?


Active Member
So here's a picture of my 5 plants, 3 doing quite well, the other 2 still small.

So I'm just wondering, are there any nutes my friend and I might want to look into buying? I don't want to over due anything or burn anything, but if it doesn't hurt to add a little something right now I'd be happy too.

Also, do these plants look to be in the vegetative state yet? Not sure the exact definition of that.


Well-Known Member
Your plants look nice and healthy. They look to be at least 3 weeks old, which is a great time to start feeding them. I can't help you with what kind of nutes since I'm a hydro guy, don't know soil.

Sure their in veg state. They are no longer seedlings, and they look well established. I assume your on 18/6.


Active Member
Those are looking good and healthty. I'm using FFOF soil and I'm using Foxfarm Grow Big, and big bloom. I'm not using the big bloom yet, that will be during flowering I guess LoL. I have been using the grow big 1/2 Teaspoon per gallon to start with since they are still babys. Good luck man


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
looking good. when you deside to feed nuts don't over feed, go with 1/4 the recomended dose and graduly work up the the recomende doseage..


Active Member
I'm using fox farm soil for them. And actually the first two plants you see are quite old, maybe about 40 days old. The last one, is what you said it to be, about 3 weeks old(21 days). The first two took a while at first as they were our first plants and we changed pots maybe too many times, and started with Miracle Grow and then switched to Foxfarm.

Anyway, they all seem to be doing quite well, some nights they might be drooping a big, as they need watered, and next morning they look great. So I guess we're doing something right

We're using 1 65watt CFL, but I think we might add one more 65watt, and then a few 24watt's around the sides of the walls as they get taller.

Any more suggestions?

thanks guys