12 hours outside, 12 inside?


Active Member
So I'm forced to grow outside, at least till the flowering..Here is what my plants look like right now:

And the rest are still seedlings growing quite fast. I have a total of 7

I don't want to put them outside right now fearing that they'll start to flower too soon...But I do want to start giving them sunlight as my 2 (40watt) Flo Tubes just isnt really enough..

So is it possible to place them outside for the day, and at night place them inside under the light? Untill spring is over and then plant them outside?

Any tips or comments?

Oh and I did reasearch the forums before posting this, just couldn't find much


Well-Known Member
Ye s you can do that if you want too just keep them in a shaded place for a few days to get them used to the intensity of the sun..

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Nice healthy plants. Time for bigger pots or they may feel crowded, & male-out on you. Done a test, 58 degrees out side, full sun, temp gauge after 1 hour was 104 degrees. The announced temp is in the shade, not part or full sun. I've been moving plants in & out for years. Even if I can get my Babies 30 minutes of good sunshine per day, I'll make the move.


Active Member
Does the sun really supply better light than most inside lights? Will growth be better? And they still get light even in shade?


New Member
the days are getting longer i have 2 ladies in early flowering and i think they are gonna revert to vegetative growth if they have'nt already