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  1. quercus017

    some bagseed 12 weeks later

    dude, dont grow in pine forest. the needles are acidic and of course they decompose in to the soil. good for acid loving pines, not so much for weed.
  2. quercus017

    DIY high-yielding polyploid plants it is not possible to get polyploidy without the plant being born with multiple chromosome pairs. and they can only reproduce with other polyploids having the same pairing, or number rather, of chromosomes. what you are describing is a method apple...
  3. quercus017

    MASS outdoor growers

    i only use the berkshires as a pharm, but they are beautiful. last time i was up there it was raining pretty hard and my camera phone didn't do the trick. but i have one that's pushing four feet, and another that was topped by a deer (thanks bambi) that has sent three new leaders up and is...
  4. quercus017

    MASS outdoor growers

    got some montahs going in the berkshires. rich dark soil and openings in the canopy from the ice storm. this is the year boys! if your plants are doing poor, you got the wrong spot.
  5. quercus017

    Miracle Grow vs Organic potting soil..Fact

    seedlings will burn if nitrogen is introduced too early. that's a fact mr botany. miracle grow is a big company that offers a lower price to consumers at the cost of unsustainable business practices. it's the same as buying food from joey supermarket vs. getting food grown by a local organic...
  6. quercus017

    WTF is my plant doing?? (Pics)

    if you look at trees like sassafrass and mulberry, they have arranged the leafs to filter light from the exerior of the plant to the interior. This is done by having the most lobes on the newest growth, and entire leafs on the oldest. Perhaps when adjusting to the photoperiod, the hormones are a...
  7. quercus017

    The Justice of Jesus Christ

    i think he said something like, 'give me money cause the rent in heaven just went up.'
  8. quercus017

    for those of you who plays an instrument...

    guitarist here. i can improvise some awesome stuff when i'm baked, and also when mildly drunk. however, i cant play rhythm for turds and when i try playing something written, i think too hard about it and my fingers work slower than my brain and it sounds gummy.
  9. quercus017

    The Justice of Jesus Christ

    God gave us jesus so roman emperors could corrupt a new popular religion based on paganism in an attempt to gain control of a populous' soul. also it is widely known that the bible was re-written many times to unite many different forms of christianity, and one can see the inconsistancy once you...
  10. quercus017

    Plants vs. Humanity

    I have been blessed to have been in situations that showed me how insignificant human existance is. Since my experiences, I have been more keen when contemplating humanities total impact. I strongly believe that plants, especially old trees, are intelligent. Now dont get confused, I don't want...
  11. quercus017

    Hey ppl tag a long, where u from?

    streets of MA
  12. quercus017

    curling leaves!!

    are your plants root bound? whenever you see the top of a plant doing poorly, 90% of the time there's a problem with your roots. another problem might be the level of soil around the stem. make sure you see a root flare. if it is buried your plant will not be able to get the oxygen it needs...
  13. quercus017

    Pissing on your plant?

    NITROGEN BURN thats why grass dies.....DERRRR
  14. quercus017


    ahhhh ahahahaha, i thought the dude standing up was facing the other way! i like the expression on his face regardless
  15. quercus017

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics I recommend Conserve SC used at a 6oz/100gal. dilution the active bacteria in conserve is spinosad. It will remain active on plant tissue for about 2 weeks. The things that break it down are sunlight and water. Applying with a spreader...
  16. quercus017


    Hi, greeting from the real america (massachusetts). This is my first post. I am planning on doing an outdoor grow this season. I have a background in trees and some botany, and if there's one thing i learned through my career, if you take care of your roots, your plant will love you. I am under...