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  1. demonds1

    weird shit??

    i lolled at the above post too. But in all seriousness I let my plant veg until i saw the sex, now i know its a female :) i lucked out.
  2. demonds1

    Wtf is that?

    i've been having that happen with all my plants older fan leaves. I believe its to do with the ph of the water. Right now im trying bottled water to see if it helps. you should try that too maybe?
  3. demonds1

    Female or not (pics)

    Man that's sweet, now hopefully it stays female, lol. none of that hermy stuff. I lucked out because I only grew one seed. In the next few days I'll post more pics in this thread to help people trying to early sex there plants. I'm still vegging i'm not flowering yet.
  4. demonds1

    Female or not (pics)

    I'm not at my regular computer so i can't remember how old they are exactly, i think 32 days veg. here is where i think they are. Also thats the seventh node of the plant
  5. demonds1

    Female or not (pics)

    lol, i'm using someone elses internet on my laptop so it screwed up submitting the pics. There up now :)
  6. demonds1

    Female or not (pics)

    I don't have a magnifying glass, and this being my first grow I am rather excited to determine the sex. I can't tell if these are hairs or not in my pics though. What do you think?
  7. demonds1

    Bud building

    Mmmmmn.... Sexy...
  8. demonds1

    Listing rules of thumb: Need contributions

    4) Never let your pets have access to your grow room (especially cats) :)
  9. demonds1

    Early Secondary Growth Starting?

    I'm using tap water also, I let it sit for at minimum two days. Then I add my nutes, and water the plant. Then dump the rest of the water out and refill and let sit for two days. I don't want anything funky growing in my water that I feed my plant. I was thinking about getting a fish bubbler...
  10. demonds1

    Early Secondary Growth Starting?

    Yeah, I thought it was the soil I was using. I'm using Miracle Grow 0.17 0.17 0.17 time release stuff. But since the rest of the plant looked a bit pale, I gave it a tsp of nutrients in 2 L of water (of course I didn't give it all the water, I just used the 2 L to measure ratio) Since then...
  11. demonds1

    Early Secondary Growth Starting?

    Wow I didn't know they fell off by themselves either. I thought I had a nutrient problem going on... But was puzzled as to why it was the first set of leaves only... Thanks :)
  12. demonds1

    Early Secondary Growth Starting?

    Oh :) Well in that case i'm only on day 23 :D In this picture, the bottom site, that is beside the plants first false leaves, used to have nodes there too but I removed them because the leaves it had died.
  13. demonds1

    Early Secondary Growth Starting?

    So it's day 30 in my grow. (That's including when I started to germinate the seed) I noticed today that it's getting secondary growth already even though it only has three sets of nodes, and is very short. Is this normal? Here's some pics.
  14. demonds1

    WTF is wrong with my platnts?

    Asking for rep is like a dentist punching a kid in the face, just so he can fix his teeth for money. Rep will come on it's own if it's deserved.
  15. demonds1

    First time!

    Hey! Welcome to RIU! Is it your first time joining a forum? Or growing that magic plant? :)
  16. demonds1

    Growing mushrooms is more profitable then weed!

    But mushrooms smell like poo poo :-( I'd rather grow the weed because it smells nice ;-)
  17. demonds1

    Dying leaves, Top is ok

    I water it when the soil is dry down about an inch or two. So every few days I think. Yeah, I'm using tap water that I let sit for 24 hours. I wan't to check the ph but I can't find any testing kits anywhere that are in the right ph range.
  18. demonds1

    Dying leaves, Top is ok

    Miracle Grow 0.14 0.14 0.14 I haven't added any nutes as of yet. I was gonna use nutes in a few weeks from now.
  19. demonds1

    Dying leaves, Top is ok

    bump :lol:
  20. demonds1

    Dying leaves, Top is ok

    It's day 24 since I decided to germ the seed and it's still having a problem with it's leaves since it sprouted. I'm thinking it's got to do with the ph, or I overwatered it, but since cutting back on the water, it has made no difference. The closeup of the very ugly sad leaf, is one of the...