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  1. G

    Almost time....I hope!!

    well I found seeds in the one that popped bananas so dammmmmit, but hey I smoked stuff with seeds when I was young, just gotta pick them out lol. The trichs started clouding up about 3 days ago so I put them in the dark and just pulled them this morning to start the drying. My hopes were to...
  2. G

    Drying a plant with the roots

    old ass post but glad I found it, gonna go chop now lol
  3. G

    Almost time....I hope!!

    Ok guys, I have 4 photos of various strains going in a 4x4 and just hit about week 9 and a half of flower. One of them I am sure is done, 2 I am not so sure about, and 1 I know needs another week. I have looked at the trichs under 45x mag and sure I see some cloudy, some amber on...
  4. G

    Staggered Drying

    Ok so here is what I have going on. I threw down a bunch of bagseed for my first run a few months ago and I am now in week 9 of flower, so girls are about to be chopped. Out of the 7 I planted 4 were ladies and went into flower...but being bagseed they are all different (well 2 of them look...
  5. G

    Is this normal?

    Havent seen that one soooo probably not normal lol
  6. G

    Banana Help!!!!

    Alright my seasoned growing buddies have a slight issue. Before we get into that let me thank everyone for the advice that has been given until this point. It is the whole reason why I made it this far and it is appreciated....ok done with ass kissing on to prob. I am right at the start of...
  7. G

    Is that what I think it is ?!

    Yes and no on your first statement...dont know about the second tbh. Reason I say yes and no on the first is because the bagseed I threw down came from some really f'ing good green, which is why I planted it in the first place and decided to start a small indoor garden. I got at least 2 years...
  8. G

    Sampling Some Bud During Flowering

    Old ass thread but glad I found it. Will go ahead and start sampling today because my girls are like 9 weeks in. I havent chopped just yet because it doesnt look all milky like I was told to watch for but have been getting a little on edge to try as this is my first try frickin 40...
  9. G


    Yeah there is absolutely ZERO risk of me not pickin her buds lmao. But I am now checkin nodes and buds everytime I open the tent. Damn I thought 5 weeks into flower I was all good...damn.
  10. G


    Damn, I thought I was out of the woods. Apparently I have to watch my girls all the way through till when? Like when is there a 0% chance of them hermin out? Like if I make it through week 6 and everything is looking good am I in the clear or am I still at risk. And dammit now I wont rest...
  11. G

    Is that what I think it is ?!

    Ive seen it happen and given it was one plant out of 5 grown in the exact same conditions I chalked it up to bad genetics. It did a weird thing where it made little banana looking things on the buds and I was like "ok wtf is that" a couple days later bam open sack and thanks to there being 3...
  12. G

    Is that what I think it is ?!

    In my (very limited) experience....yes. The two biggest differences, germination rates. You have a higher chance of success with them AND you have a better chance of not getting a hermie. Thats the positive difference, the negative difference...price. Bag seed is free (kinda) but you are...
  13. G

    Is that what I think it is ?!

    Happens man, especially with bag seed lol. I threw 7 in dirt a couple months ago and only 4 made the cut as ladies. I was told to expect about a 50% male rate in non-feminized seeds, and that number seems about right. I just went ahead and ponied up the money for some autoflower female seeds...
  14. G

    Is this cannabis plant?

    I have had great luck with ILGM...check them out
  15. G

    What to do with cannabis plant scraps???

    I do the drying and soil amendment and it seems to work pretty good. I dont give any nutes at all, only compost tea and the defoliation trimmings. I separate the leaves from the stems as much as possible, then I cut up as fine as I can get and spread out on a piece of cardboard (cardboard...
  16. G

    Yet Another Noob Question

    Right on, thanks man
  17. G

    Outside lighting for indoor plants

    See, I am not convinced my lights are "good" per say. I am running two no name 1000w full spec lights that seem to be doing alright inside but I am not convinced they are actually what one would consider good lights lol. But sorry Jimi gonna have to go with 28 on this one...but only because of...
  18. G

    Is this cannabis plant?

    First off...NO...that is not cannabis that looka like can-o-corn. Secondly I really hope you didnt pay for that soil. If you did you got had man. What I would do if I were you is scrap that bucket of whatever that is, order some good soil online from amazon or somewhere, go to a reputable...
  19. G

    Outside lighting for indoor plants

    Just a quickie here. Can I take my indoor grown ladies outside from time to time for some actual real sun, given the temp is decent out...frickin cold right now for late april. Will it help or kill them...or does it matter at all???
  20. G

    Yet Another Noob Question

    I have been pretty anal about their upkeep. I keep a constant eye on PH, the PPM stuff, light distance, temps, humidity etc. Also for lighting after week 2 in flower (so like end of this week) I was going to add a couple of red grow bulbs in there just for a little more. Would that be a good...