Yet Another Noob Question


Alright, this is my very first venture into this whole deal...and being 40 yeah Im a late bloomer (pun not really intended but appreciated lol). So just a quick breakdown on my setup:

4x4 Tent
2x 1000w (but not really lol) Full Spectrum lights
Indicanja Living Soil
3 Gallon pots
Some fans
4" inline exhaust with filter
and a bunch of measuring equipment for like PH, PPM, temps, ect

So I decided my first grow was gonna be just bag seed to learn some from so when I invest in the good seeds I know what the hell I am doing. I started 8 total and out of the 8 7 made it through veg and into like yay right. Ok so its been a lil over a week in flower and 5 out of the 7 are definitely female, like all sorts of white hairs poppin, but 2 of the plants are not showing hairs....but they dont have balls either??? First off, if I get 7 females out of bag seed I promise to shit myself, secondly would they all show at the same time? So basically my question is this, the 2 that have not shown, should I just chalk them and focus on the 5 that are definite. If for nothing else to free up some room in the tent because all 7 of them in there and another week of stretch and it will be too much I think. Orrrrr since they are from bag seed should I wait a few more days to see what they do or would that risk the ladies. Oh the stress I tell ya. So if anyone out there has any advice for an old cancer patient hit a cat up because dammit I need to make this work lol.


Well-Known Member
Alright, this is my very first venture into this whole deal...and being 40 yeah Im a late bloomer (pun not really intended but appreciated lol). So just a quick breakdown on my setup:

4x4 Tent
2x 1000w (but not really lol) Full Spectrum lights
Indicanja Living Soil
3 Gallon pots
Some fans
4" inline exhaust with filter
and a bunch of measuring equipment for like PH, PPM, temps, ect

So I decided my first grow was gonna be just bag seed to learn some from so when I invest in the good seeds I know what the hell I am doing. I started 8 total and out of the 8 7 made it through veg and into like yay right. Ok so its been a lil over a week in flower and 5 out of the 7 are definitely female, like all sorts of white hairs poppin, but 2 of the plants are not showing hairs....but they dont have balls either??? First off, if I get 7 females out of bag seed I promise to shit myself, secondly would they all show at the same time? So basically my question is this, the 2 that have not shown, should I just chalk them and focus on the 5 that are definite. If for nothing else to free up some room in the tent because all 7 of them in there and another week of stretch and it will be too much I think. Orrrrr since they are from bag seed should I wait a few more days to see what they do or would that risk the ladies. Oh the stress I tell ya. So if anyone out there has any advice for an old cancer patient hit a cat up because dammit I need to make this work lol.
I would keep 4 females and chuck the rest myself. Wouldn't risk it.
I started growing last year @ 41, with 3 bag seeds that all turned out female for me.
This sounds eerily familiar :)

Best of luck and welcome to growing!


Now here is the stupid question then. What would be potential yields for 4 photos? See what I am hoping for is to harvest enough to get me through while a run some autoflowers I ordered and then just go perpetual running 3 autos in one month intervals. Basically my goal is to harvest 3 small autos a month for my wife and I. So in a nutshell, if I do what you suggest and pop 3 autos as soon as I harvest these do you think the yield would be enough for 2 to stay medicated for a few lol. Also thanks for that fast reply, very helpful.


Well-Known Member
2 zips per plant dry on your first run is realistic imo . Thats assuming things go well and 2000watts is actually atleast 400 or 500 actual. Any more good on you . Good luck


I have been pretty anal about their upkeep. I keep a constant eye on PH, the PPM stuff, light distance, temps, humidity etc. Also for lighting after week 2 in flower (so like end of this week) I was going to add a couple of red grow bulbs in there just for a little more. Would that be a good idea? So far they seem to be going really well. I have been doing light LST but stopped that when I started flower and have topped them twice in veg. As for watering what I did was weigh the pots with just the soil in them no water and then wieghed again after I watered them. Now it seems about every other day is when they seem to want a drink so I give them some till I get a very little bit of run off. As for nutes, I have living soil so I didnt really think I needed any but I did get some compost tea and feed them that once a week in veg but wont in flower (its rich in N and dont wanna burn up the girls). What I have been doing and the plants seem to like alright is after I trim up the leaves I save them, dry them out, powder them up and top dress the soil with the power before I water. I have a trellis to set up (and yes I plan on using it right, not just having it look cool lol) once I am done sexing the plants. Point is I am a geek under quarantine and am very detail oriented sooooo hoping for a lil more since your guess is like 60g per plant lol. You just gave me a goal to bust my man....thank you lol.


Well-Known Member
Keep them healthy and enough light and its a goal easily broken. But after reading a million new growers threads , talking to people i know how grow , personal exp. Etc i gave you a realistic goal on a first grow. You already eluded to your lights being ehhh. So i guess the way i think its always better to be pleasantly surprised than badly disapointed.
Good luck i hope you do better. From what i see experienced growers double that closer to master level growers with right strain may do better yet. Edit my last statement as i was referring to autos with photos yeilds for the growers would be higher
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Well-Known Member
Ive seen the nerdiest around on here (most of us at 1st)start great and never get plants to end or junk yield. Doesnt seem to matter. Imo the ones who start looking at it like brain surgey,analyzing this tweaking that , fail 1st. Its a weed it grows easy. Getting great yields and smoke 1st grow or both is rare to happen immediately


Well-Known Member
I agree with @bam0813

As far as potential yields, in my research it comes down to 2 things. Plant health and amount of light.
The health part is pretty easy to get if you use some decent nutes and pick a proven form of growing.

Now for the fun part...light.
I think a lot of new growers are missing the point here.

Yes. You can grow good weed with 30w/sq ft of LED or 50w of hps.
But instead of being concerned about amount of yield, everyone seems more worried about how "efficient" they are running.

I know in 10 months I've figured out that running 2.6kW of HPS in a 4x8 (that's 81.25w/sq. ft.) yields me large harvests and as far as efficiency goes, I just hit 1 gram per watt off my last Skywalker OG.
11oz out of a 2'x2' footprint isn't to shabby for a new grower in my opinion :)

More light= bigger harvest.
Rant over.