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  1. W

    Just got few beans ins... Input plz

    yea i heard the same and i kinda bought it off that anybody else?
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    Just got few beans ins... Input plz

    I just got some greenhouse big bang, greenhouse great white shark and barney/s blue cheese, I've heard few things bout blue cheese and big bang but anybody heard or have experience with great white shark? any inputs helps yall thanks
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    veteran stealth and grow cabinet growers!

    thanks man.. yea i plan on building a grow cabinet.. just needed a lil spec help... so what wattage cfls should i use and how many would you say
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    veteran stealth and grow cabinet growers!

    I am lookin into building two grow boxes one for veg and one for bloom of course. I have been reading books and various threads for reseach but i have a few more distinct questions. I have a 430w hps light that was loned to me by a good buddy. Besides this light im startng completly from...
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    Attention All Experienced Apartment Growers: Need help/info

    I am actually i the process of doing the same thing, so i will def be folling this thread.
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    Where to buy pre-paid card that can be used Over seas?

    preciate it mane, I went and checked it out and you still have to put in alot of personal info. I seen tha pre paid mastercards and they didn't say whether its only domestic use so i may check that out next
  7. W

    Where to buy pre-paid card that can be used Over seas?

    I recently forked out over $100 to get a pre-peaid Amex card just to find out it's for domestic use only. It pissed me off a lil but i was like aite I'll just get a visa one and before i bought it i checked the back and it sed only domestic. So if anybody can help a brotha out I'd appreciate it...
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    Cfl's for new clones

    THANKS MAN, that was very helpful didn't think anyone would help a brotha out... well I got them at target but they were the largest they had, So i guess ill keep these to add to my budding girls... would they have these at walmart or should i just go to like a lowes or home depot? thanks
  9. W

    Cfl's for new clones

    any help???
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    Cfl's for new clones

    Okay I never used cfls and now i find myself in the situation where i must.. all my gurls were vegged under a 430 watt hps and they are now ready to bud.. I cloned all the females and rooted them usin a ez clone but now that i potted them i need to veg the cuttings. I cant veg with the others...
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    First grow. experimental bagseed

    okay, thanks man.. really is hard to get a reply here
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    First grow. experimental bagseed

    any help yall.... I went and bought some bc grow, anyone else use this? sorry if these are dumb questions its my first time round...' thanks
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    New Growers - Need Help, Maybe (PICS)

    what type of nutes are you using right now?
  14. W

    First grow. experimental bagseed

    Im currently 4 weeks into veg. w/o any nutes.. Im growing in soil w/ guano and just pure water so far. Im ready to add nutes becuase growth hasn't been as fast before.. I have 8 plants most are 11-13 inches and smaller ones are maybe 6 inches. My question is which nutes would you suggest for a...