First grow. experimental bagseed


Active Member
Im currently 4 weeks into veg. w/o any nutes.. Im growing in soil w/ guano and just pure water so far. Im ready to add nutes becuase growth hasn't been as fast before.. I have 8 plants most are 11-13 inches and smaller ones are maybe 6 inches.
My question is which nutes would you suggest for a first grow under 1 430 w hps?..
Im not familiar with adding nutes so the more details the better...
Thanks in advance yall:leaf:


Active Member
Im currently 4 weeks into veg. w/o any nutes.. Im growing in soil w/ guano and just pure water so far. Im ready to add nutes becuase growth hasn't been as fast before.. I have 8 plants most are 11-13 inches and smaller ones are maybe 6 inches.
My question is which nutes would you suggest for a first grow under 1 430 w hps?..
Im not familiar with adding nutes so the more details the better...
Thanks in advance yall:leaf:
any help yall....
I went and bought some bc grow, anyone else use this?
sorry if these are dumb questions its my first time round...'


Active Member
if your in vegging get nutes with high phosphorus which is the middle number of the 3 so something like 10-30-10. it should be on the bag check it out.


Well-Known Member
There's a lot of info you're asking about that is readily available in previously posted threads in the forums dedicated to each topic. Many become frustrated with answering these questions that seem to pop up from new users every week, when there are already super-detailed explanations posted.

Since I'm new here, I'm not jaded enough to ignore a fellow budster. But in a few months I can't imagine I'll feel the same Ha ha! Anyway. I found that if you use the Search page, you might not get any useful results UNLESS you search for TAGS instead of just the search term box.

I'm a new LED grower and tried to search for LED. Nothing! Search the TAGS for LED, and whoa, there they are! So just plow through the tags of your choice and check out the sticky threads for the time-tested info. Then ask the more specific questions related to your particular grow.



you want a higher nitrogen number for veg high middle and ending number for flower