veteran stealth and grow cabinet growers!


Active Member
I am lookin into building two grow boxes one for veg and one for bloom of course. I have been reading books and various threads for reseach but i have a few more distinct questions. I have a 430w hps light that was loned to me by a good buddy. Besides this light im startng completly from scratch. I was wondering which box should i use my hps for and what size should the box be to ensure it won't burn my plants. I only plan on using 4 plants at a time for a bi montjly perpetual grow. Also with a light of that size what would you guys suggest for air flow? And my last question is what type of light/lights should be used in the other box that im assuming will measure 2x2x3 and will be adequate for 4 plants. If anyone could maybe point me in the right direction of a popular thread or just help me out if you kno the anwsers..Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
cfls for veg box hps for flowering

do you want to use a box? like cardboard? i would sugest building one w/plywood 2x4s and mylar

2x2x3 is good for the veg box, id make the flower box bigger tho


Active Member
cfls for veg box hps for flowering

do you want to use a box? like cardboard? i would sugest building one w/plywood 2x4s and mylar

2x2x3 is good for the veg box, id make the flower box bigger tho
thanks man..
yea i plan on building a grow cabinet..
just needed a lil spec help...
so what wattage cfls should i use and how many would you say


Well-Known Member
how many plants 4? 4 23w+ cfls (1 per plant) will do untill they start to get big, then its a good idea to add more