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  1. R

    Week 5 Flower

    I'd say those look real nice.
  2. R

    Reservoir color change - what does it tell you

    Thats a slick looking unit. Do you use one yourself?
  3. R

    PH, EC, and TDS meters

    Preach man, I have the hanna which is pretty much the same. its been going strong for years and the only thing that has saved my ass
  4. R

    Continuous ph/ppm monitors!

    Canadian made is awesome, I like to buy domestic whenever possible. IIRC Blue lab is made in New Zealand.
  5. R

    Best/Worst Seed Banks in Canada and Your Experiences:

    I have to agree 100% with this, I've used his blueberry seeds before and they were awesome. Grew well indoors in the hydro and I put some clones outside last year and they did great outdoors. Had to cut them early at the end of Sept because we had over a foot of snow. I just ordered and...
  6. R

    Looking for defoliation advice

    Yeah trim away, never ever more than a 1/3 of the plant at once and probably not recommended after the 3rd/4th week so it doesn’t stress the plant and slow down bud production.
  7. R

    Powder nutes in DWC Bubbleponics?

    Get a good scale and follow directions. Get a .00 scale if possible, you’d want to be precise especially if you dont have a trimeter. I’ve used powdered nutes from Future Harvest without issue in my RDWC.
  8. R

    Oh crap I let a plant go dry in DWC...

    How did it work out for you?
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    Sugars in dwc

    Never used sugar before, it would probably leave a sticky film on your equipment and be a major bug attractant.
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    Clean reservoir First dwc

    But like other guys said, a shop vac is your best friend. Just take the filter out.
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    Clean reservoir First dwc

    I dont change my rez at all unless absolutely necessary. I add a product called Plantacilin from Future Harvest Development and that really helps to keep the gunk out. Dont overdo the nutes and you should be fine. Get a quality trimeter that you can keep in the rez to monitor whats going on...
  12. R

    How much is too much PPM

    Usually it’s a good idea to start at 1/4 strength of the recommended dose and adjust from there. My RDWC starts at 500 once I see good roots and as the grow goes on I increase it as the plants see fit. If the PPM drops then increase. At 4 weeks in flower, Im at 700 ppm for my Ak47 and Sour...
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    Target Leaf Temp

    Mine sit around 20C at 12 inch under a 400w MH. Not to sure about LED, an article in another thread stated best is around 25C.
  14. R

    Ideal leaf temperature.

    Thanks for the article, my leaf temps are around 20C and I still see a few taco leafs. RH is 50-60. What temps might you expect to start to see hermies?
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    Brown in the middle of the leaf, new growth only. Never seen before! DWC

    Have you seen any bugs flying around? I put foil on top of my hydroton one grow, very similar to what you've done and the fungas gnats loved it in there! It also kept everything very wet, rotting wet. Keep an eye on it.
  16. R

    Rate My DIY Set-Up! 6 place 33 gallon RDWC

    The pump might be too close to the tote when your roots grow big. A screen beforehand might help, keep it clean to keep the flow.
  17. R

    Continuous ph/ppm monitors!

    I have a Hanna trimeter that I have been using for 7 years now and have only had to replace the PH probe once. I dial the PH in once a month with the 4 and 7 solution and it is usually only 0.1/0.2 points off. The PPM only drifts when I have forgotten to rinse the probe in clean RO water or at...