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  1. trapdevil

    Golden Arm DIY alternative? Light dep

    Haha elaborate?
  2. trapdevil

    Golden Arm DIY alternative? Light dep

    Golden arm DIY? light dep covering questions Been doing a dep for 2 seasons now , with the tennis ball tech. ( wrap few tennis balls in plastic wrap it up then use rope to tie it then you have like a pouch. Then can throw rope over and pull) But that’s a super pain the ass when it’s raining...
  3. trapdevil

    Aphids/ Mites?

    I’ve been hitting with Pyganic, Should i continue with that and add Spinosaid or get rid or pyganic
  4. trapdevil

    Aphids/ Mites?

    Or Thrips!?
  5. trapdevil

    Aphids/ Mites?

    What’s happening- I’ve yet to see this before, This is in one of my Veg rooms. I thought i had a slight Aphid issue after bringing in some clones from the Light dep. So i hit the room with Pyganic and thought The aphids went away but i’ve been seeing these things lurking around, which don’t...
  6. trapdevil

    Light Dep Hoop House Questions

    Woodchucks- Been seeming them around the hoop house, not necessarily messing with it but around it. Should i be worried?
  7. trapdevil

    Light Dep Hoop House Questions

    Hahahah to make it worse they are my girlfriends. my muck boots were soaked so had to go to plan b‍. hahahaha. Barring more crocs and socks hoping for 1/2 p per.
  8. trapdevil

    Light Dep Hoop House Questions

  9. trapdevil

    Light Dep Hoop House Questions

    Unrealistic to hope for 1/2 p per plant in the dep?
  10. trapdevil

    Light Dep Hoop House Questions

    30 or so in there right now? Tranquil Chocolate @Useful Seeds (MobX gmo x ogkb bx) @SherpaSeeds would like the add another 10 so before the flip.
  11. trapdevil

    Light Dep Hoop House Questions

    Yeah i’ll pull tarps manually, should be fine for a season. Some more plants to bring to the hoop house, the flip to flower. Add my fans and exhaust.
  12. trapdevil

    Light Proofing Window AC

    Make some sort of light trap on the vent ? Or try and take it apart and get to that styrofoam part and try to duct tape that?
  13. trapdevil

    Light Proofing Window AC

    Added a 10k BtU window ac to help in the summer months, But leaks light, quite a bit through the vent where the cold air is coming in. I run lights at night so during the day it will be way to much of a light leak to be able to flower anything. any ideas? can take photos in a bit
  14. trapdevil

    Active Aqua 550 pump

    Got a Active aqua 550 gph submersible pump, Need to use the 1” barb, but the one that i have apparently dosent screw into the pump, the 1/2” and 3/4” barb screw in but the one i need dosent. i can’t find anywhere what size threaded size i need to get a need threaded barb, if that makes sense...
  15. trapdevil

    HoopHouse April Vermont

    In regards the greenhouse or a automated light dep system? I’m building hoop houses personally and pulling 5pm and once it’s dark out around 9-10pm
  16. trapdevil

    HoopHouse April Vermont

    Haha snowboard coach.
  17. trapdevil

    HoopHouse April Vermont

    Snowing here too
  18. trapdevil

    HoopHouse April Vermont

    I’m pretty up north. this week looks snowy maybe. siiick haha
  19. trapdevil

    HoopHouse April Vermont

    Okay i can feel that. also going to get the wood stove vented up there and set up and see how much that warms it up at night. But that timeframe sounds pretty accurate. Hoping to get stuff in the like early april if it stays above 50-60 at night with heater. Toss a 1k CMH for a few hours...