Search results

  1. Hookabelly

    How much Tie dye do you wear?

  2. Hookabelly

    Higher CBD strain said to give more of a body high...

    So I just tried a strain called sour tsunami. Was told it was higher in CBD to give body high vs. "stoned" head high. Got it for pain. Says it's 69% THC 15.5% CBD 17% CBG My past experiences lead me to be conservative with the more potent weed now a days so I had 3 hits of it (standard...
  3. Hookabelly

    How did you pop your RIU cherry? (poll)

    So when you first joined, did you lurk or just jump right in? I treated it as a party where I knew no one. (we used to have to be subjected to those pesky, unpredictable, face to face encounters before covering all the social angles on Facebook) I lurked for a few months I think and sort of...
  4. Hookabelly

    How to hide electrical cords

    So we just built some shelving similar to this: T.V. mounts in the middle and has outlet up high so that's fine, but how do you hide other cords from wifi, dvd player, etc. I am not creative in the least. It's making me mental
  5. Hookabelly

    The real question is: why the hell doesn't Trump adress those horrible, white under eye circles?

    I mean, Doesn't his make up artist or handler or whatever realize the spray tan should be uniform? Do they put those stupid tanning goggles on while airbrushing on his tan?
  6. Hookabelly

    What's everyone doing tonight?

    anyone celebrating Halloween? I'm actually venturing out for the first time in a decade for Halloween.
  7. Hookabelly

    What do you guys do in your busy time?

    Top 25 most popular work people do in their busy time make a list. I'm too lazy and just want to pollute the tnt board with bs threads. Someone pay attention to me please
  8. Hookabelly

    Where are the forums/threads for vapes?

    Friend has one, I tried it and liked so I bought one. Need some trouble shooting advice. when I type various forms of vape in the RIU search engine I come up with totally unrelated results. I have googled but would prefer input from you guys.
  9. Hookabelly

    Hippies or Yuppies?

    I'm resisting the urge to rant. I'll just ask for starters: If you had to have one group infiltrate your town, which would you choose? Moving is not an option.
  10. Hookabelly

    Favorite Stephen King books and other suspense/horror

    I used to love SK. but seemed around the late 90's his stuff got boring and too drawn out. I need a good read for next month. Big Lou, I know you're a fan. The las one I remember liking was "it" or maybe it was "thinner" What's your fave SK or other horror/suspense novel?
  11. Hookabelly

    How do you picture an R.I.U. (tnt) toaster?

    How do you picture your favorite Riu toaster? @Gary Goodson @curious2garden @Diabolical666 @Blue Wizard @cannabineer @.Pinworm. @420God @Singlemalt @neosapien , @tyler.durden @srh88 @Unclebaldrick @StonedFarmer
  12. Hookabelly

    Did Zeppelin steal song or not?

    Verdict says no. (by the way it's a riff, not an entire song) What do you all think? have you heard both pieces of music?
  13. Hookabelly

    POLL: Will I have a bitchin' time at the WHO?

    hauling downtown soon... weather sucks but I'm in neutral...
  14. Hookabelly

    Desert Trip Indio: Holy SHIT! is anyone going??

    I thought it was a hoax when I heard the tail end of an announcement today. I want to road trip down there in a huge RV
  15. Hookabelly

    Poll: Which is better- a beef fart or a beer fart?

    Let's discuss something worthwhile for a change
  16. Hookabelly

    Kitty Genovese's murderer dies in prison. Anyone remember?

    Anyone remember this story? I wasn't around when the Kitty Genovese story happened but by the time I was in college we studied the bystander effect in Crim J classes. Now I learned that much of the story of her murder was fabricated...
  17. Hookabelly

    R.I.P. Maurice...

    Oh man! my childhood is dying. Bowie and now Maurice White? Loved EWF
  18. Hookabelly

    CornHole Collections?

    Does anyone here on RIU play corn hole games? I personally like the Stained ones.
  19. Hookabelly

    HELP! What do I get my man for Christmas?

    we haven't ever exchanged gifts with each other (always just bought for our children) and now, this year we decided to. I know he's getting me something nice, probably the heart rate monitor that I've been eyeballing. I am at a loss. It was his B day earlier this month and I got him some...
  20. Hookabelly

    Is it just me or...

    is this off-putting? IDK it should look sexier somehow. Somehow a shark over either orifice is just....