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  1. smokie1411

    1st grow do theses look allright?

    o.k mate thanks for the advice ill give it a test run dont want to burn the little ladies
  2. smokie1411

    cant pm you back mate says you have a full inbox?

    cant pm you back mate says you have a full inbox?
  3. smokie1411

    1st grow do theses look allright?

    Ive got a few vents on the tent and a few fans so hopefully that should keep it under control, Just dont know when to turn it on. Dont know where the pic went I'll try upload it again
  4. smokie1411

    1st grow do theses look allright?

    The back ones leaves look a bit dropie to me is that ok? there under a 125w blue/red spectrum cfl in tent. whens best to put them under the 600w light?
  5. smokie1411

    1st grow do theses look allright?

    Hi, This is my first grow do these look all right there big budda sas 12 days old:joint:
  6. smokie1411

    ok mate cheers, apart from that all is going good cheers again for your help

    ok mate cheers, apart from that all is going good cheers again for your help
  7. smokie1411

    Hello again mate, another stupid question sorry, im getting my water ph'd to 5.8 but when i ph...

    Hello again mate, another stupid question sorry, im getting my water ph'd to 5.8 but when i ph test the coco soil is about 3.8 is that ok? or how do i raise it? thanks
  8. smokie1411

    cheers mate there starting to pop now, ill keep u posted

    cheers mate there starting to pop now, ill keep u posted
  9. smokie1411

    cheers mate done a bit of reserch this afternoon and see that its normally like that, ive been...

    cheers mate done a bit of reserch this afternoon and see that its normally like that, ive been getting it down to 6.2 but ive only wattered the jiffy pellets did the seeds for 24hours and they've been in the heated Propagator since last night had a bit of a deley in starting no steems has poped...
  10. smokie1411

    Hello again mate, All is going good so far but my tap water is p.h'ing at 7.8 is that right? i...

    Hello again mate, All is going good so far but my tap water is p.h'ing at 7.8 is that right? i thought it was ment to be lower am having to use the ph down quite a bit. thanks
  11. smokie1411

    cheers mate will do

    cheers mate will do
  12. smokie1411

    Hi again mate, got all my bits and am ready to start tomorrow the only thing is i couldnt get...

    Hi again mate, got all my bits and am ready to start tomorrow the only thing is i couldnt get the lowryder 2's so got Big Buddhas super Automatic autoflowering fems do you know anything about these? would you grow them the same? many thanks for your time in helping me. Smokie
  13. smokie1411

    Big Buddhas super Automatic Newbie HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi everyone, Ive just got my first set of seeds 5 Big Buddhas super Automatic autoflowering fems, Iam i complete newbie and this is my first grow so im looking for any advice :idea: at all but most off all the neuts (what ones,when and how much. i've been told less is better with autos but dont...
  14. smokie1411

    thanks alot mate ill let you know how i get on, one more simple questions but did you add 3ML of...

    thanks alot mate ill let you know how i get on, one more simple questions but did you add 3ML of each canna a+b i.e 6ML?
  15. smokie1411

    cheers ed thats spot on thats answered pretty much every thing i had questions for and saved me...

    cheers ed thats spot on thats answered pretty much every thing i had questions for and saved me hours of trawling the net. I dont have any lower lights than the 600w can i still start with that just keep it well away form them? or would you go for buying lower ones? i am on a bit of a budget...
  16. smokie1411

    Hello mate, Thanks for the reply just tryed again with pm but no luck says i have not got...

    Hello mate, Thanks for the reply just tryed again with pm but no luck says i have not got permission. I was going to follow your grow pretty much as you have logged it as its the best guide ive seen on here by a long shot but im a complete newbie so could do with picking your brain on a few bits...
  17. smokie1411

    newbie HELP with nutrients

    thanks rockbud any chance you could give me a ruff guide on what to used? start to finish was going to go with canna? yes? no?
  18. smokie1411

    Hi, followed your lowryder #2 journal was top notch, i was thinking about doing the same and...

    Hi, followed your lowryder #2 journal was top notch, i was thinking about doing the same and wondered if i could pick your brains? as im pretty much a newbie but i cant seem to private message you on here. thanks
  19. smokie1411

    newbie HELP with nutrients

    sorry i was going to grow 5 lowryder '2' autoflowering in 11 Lt pots in canna coco in grow tent with 600w light am i complete newbie so have only gathered what info i need from the net so far and was follwing the guide i got for the link in my first post
  20. smokie1411

    newbie HELP with nutrients

    thanks for the help guys. i was going to do auto flowering seeds do they matter with nutrients or do i just follow the directions ive read alot on the net that they need less nutrients? but am unsure the more i read the more i get confused lol