1st grow do theses look allright?

The back ones leaves look a bit dropie to me is that ok? there under a 125w blue/red spectrum cfl in tent. whens best to put them under the 600w light?
the 600w in the tent is gonna give you some heat issues so your gonna need good ventilation. yea man where'd your pics go? they were here!!
Ive got a few vents on the tent and a few fans so hopefully that should keep it under control, Just dont know when to turn it on. Dont know where the pic went I'll try upload it again
i honestly think you should do a test run with your 600w in the tent without the plants in it for one day at least so you can see what kind of heat your gonna have. metal halide and high pressure sodium set ups can get very hot. but from what i remember your plants would be good under the mh just make sure the tops of the plants are about 20 inches or so away from the light.