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  1. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    and you trust them?
  2. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    Honesty and honor, are based on action, this applies to manners, as manners is not just respect for others, it is respect of self.
  3. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    Well, if CNN tells you this, it must be true.
  4. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    Yet, Millions of illegals come into this country spreading death, raiding our economy, you speak of facts, interesting, when has opinion become fact, personal or otherwise.
  5. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    You would question integrity and honor of those you do not know based on their ideology yet, not on their actions, nor, of knowing them. You are either free or a slave, those that fight for freedom, true freedom, are those that will stand, those that fight for words or will of others, are...
  6. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    Sic pac pacem parrabellum.
  7. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    When does the left go to far? Usually when they are accusing people of being national socialists, when they are the actual socialist, when they threaten and intimidate people in public, when they stand in the middle of the road, when they steal, lie, and cheat. When they turn the media into...
  8. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    I believe 18 and up should be consent, those that chase children are usually deranged, or can not hold a adult conversation. Child molestors are disgusting. There has and always will be climate change, man made pollution is not as prevalent as it has been made to be, the earth has had many ice...
  9. 7391

    Do clones flower faster?

    I have some decent mother plants, I use a "bonsai" method that works well.
  10. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    I am sincere, I may smoke and toke, that does not make me ignorant to what affects my life, like a lot of stereo-types. Thank you for a thread where people can speak their minds.
  11. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    I speak my mind, my mind is my own, and you only prove Euphrates right.
  12. 7391

    Do clones flower faster?

    I use water, cloning is not hard, although, I use rooting powder, it is faster. Still, nothing beats a cup of water and patience. Seen your posts before, you say some very direct and sensible advice.
  13. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    That is a true statement. it is amazing that people argue over more of what they do not know, than what they do/should know.
  14. 7391

    Do clones flower faster?

    Yes that is true, it is just much harder to do and success is not always guaranteed.
  15. 7391

    Do clones flower faster?

    You may have suffered some form of head injury. I would suggest that you find a medical facility and seek out a Doctor immediately.
  16. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    that is so true.
  17. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    Removing them is.
  18. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    The problem with our Constitutional Republic is that we let people in our nation that we have no clue what kind of person they are, this would apply to all nations or ethnicities. As far as gun toting goes, that IS the reason we have a free nation. Also this is constitutional law, which can not...
  19. 7391

    Do clones flower faster?

    I know this is an old post, clones or cuttings, do have a greater maturity, I have grown many clones and find that they take less time to flower and they are even better than the original mother. The problem most growers experience is time, meaning that they do not allow a plant to mature long...