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  1. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    Did you miss the Pelosi part, How about "Hiawatha" Warren, Schumer, Booker............laughs, Before President Trump, they supported closed borders, afterwords they were singing different tune.
  2. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    The problems our nation faces is illegal aliens which cause skewed results in elections, embezzling our nations money to their country of origin, higher crime rates, and of course, decline in job markets. More than that, the democrats have committed treason by default when supporting this no...
  3. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    Thank you for that, I had said the same thing, just not in the same words, sincerely, thank you for having rationale.
  4. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    I am astonished that you would even ask that question, more so, I would hope that was rhetorical and not actual. First keeps from having an imbalance in districts, such as, no college would lead to dense population areas having the only true say, it would also lead to a one party system. You...
  5. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    The electoral college is what prevents voter fraud, as far as the draft, I think it is imperative that we reinstate it. limit on both senate and congress as far as terms served. two terms and senate or congress person is out.
  6. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    Standing up for yourself is not far right, it is an inherent human right.
  7. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    I have a friend that falls into the millennial category, he is staunch Republican, a lot of his friends have as well. I was once a democrat, then I grew up and realized life is not fair. By the way H&S, do you not have a village to go back to?
  8. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    Not true at all. There are more people everyday going towards being Republican, Liberals are just polishing the brass on the Titanic as it is sinking.
  9. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    What you are experiencing is the results of liberals being brainwashed, they are not told what to think, they become argumentative, even to the point of violence,their grasp of reality has been shaken, hence cognitive dissonance. More so this comes from mild games such as follow the leader, and...
  10. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    You are inbred and backwards.
  11. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    I doubt it.....laughs, My Great Grandfather was Macedonian, if you know their history, you might learn that it is better to keep your mouth shut and be assumed a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
  12. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    NO! Why in the hell would anyone want to be mutilated into looking like the opposite sex, and a child thinking they are another sex, kids do not even know what they want to begin with. Seriously, there is no such thing as a sex change, you can not alter the human body to operate against...
  13. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    I am Celtic, Germanic, and Slavic, there are no Russians in my family.
  14. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    I can not buy into liberals being rebellious when they do not posses independent thought. It is a Constitutional Republic, by the way republic means a representative democracy, not pure democracy. The second amendment was created for the protection of the people, that we are able to defend...
  15. 7391

    what has happened to fox farm soils?

    these were grown in FFoF, at harvest one and a quarter pounds.
  16. 7391

    what has happened to fox farm soils?

    I use FFoF in every grow, the soil seems okay, I have never had a problem with it. Now depending on where I get it from, there can be fungus gnats, diotamscus earth(food grade) and fly stips usually helps.
  17. 7391

    whats your favorite game while stoned?

    Original fallout, fallout 2, ff7, DOS games, RPG's, newer stuff not as good as the old stuff, so much potential wasted. Been hooked on ember recently.....
  18. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    That was the one Obamma and company had put into effect so we would become more reliant on foreign nations
  19. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    Actually, our president, has done a lot of good work, believe it or not, I voted for Obamma twice, he was worthless, President trump is doing his job....maybe congress and senate should do the same thing?
  20. 7391

    Civil Discourse

    Yes, it is always President Trumps fault. Maybe we should try blaming congress and senate, or the in action of the people?