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  1. BarryBwana

    Seed Giveaway for Newbies?

    I already have their blue dream Haze seeds....
  2. BarryBwana

    Seed Giveaway for Newbies?

    Coco noir, viparsectra 600w but only A 5-4-4 from Bio Organics and a 0-2-5 root aide. Technically I'm still on my first grow and defaulted to soil (with rockwool for 2 of the 3 so I expect extra points here) instead of the coco.... Do you ship to Canada
  3. BarryBwana

    Freezer Curing Cannabis

    I thought that freezing made trichomes fall off easier which is why many people making concentrates will freeze the leaves etc to make collecting easier No?
  4. BarryBwana

    Viparspectra 600w distance?

    I have a seedling under this exact light at about 30 inches and it is loving it...: I have both bloom and veg switched on.
  5. BarryBwana

    Seeds in or to Canada is around until legalization date. I've order ed a few times no issues, seeds in breeders original packaging
  6. BarryBwana

    Cali Wants to Limit Your Kid's Soda Consumption

    I thought these type of deterrence taxes or "socially responsible taxes" have been shown to be largely ineffective at actually reducing the target behavior/consumption? My support for such a tax is the premise that if health care is a public good then those who make willing decisions to drive...
  7. BarryBwana

    Apartment Grow

    Lol, looks like your plants are trying to commit suicide and hang themselves.
  8. BarryBwana

    Sativa lovers

    Seems like so many growers avoid them due to their length that one might be able to service a niche area not many are targeting. As a consumer who loves sativa, I'd pay a premium to get good quality strains like that!
  9. BarryBwana

    Cali Wants to Limit Your Kid's Soda Consumption

    I don't even think it should be considered as taxing the product I just think corporations and consumers need to start paying the full price of their goods at purchase. Full price includes the cost of fixing any negative externalities that industry and/or its products create. Talking about...
  10. BarryBwana

    The trials and tribulations of Barry "the newb" Bwana's first grow...

    So I had thrips (moved the pepper plant out of the tent) but think I've removed them with a spinosad spray. Not sure if it was thrips or not enough nutrients making the bottom leaves turn brown and die but the tops of the plants else seem well. Definitely getting thicker stems and bushier. My...
  11. BarryBwana

    Trump cfo weisselberg granted immunity

    My assertions aren't proof I agree. However I did cite the SEC and provided a link to where they explicitly state why they prosecute insider training and it states almost exactly what I said. Are you going to dispute the validity of that proof? Other than demonstrating that you clearly...
  12. BarryBwana

    Trump cfo weisselberg granted immunity

    You know you need a license to sell securities, right? "Because insider trading undermines investor confidence in the fairness and integrity of the securities markets, the SEC has treated the detection...
  13. BarryBwana

    Trump cfo weisselberg granted immunity

    Are you really sure of this? I mean as in so sure that when I prove you wrong on this thing you're wrong about you'll be willing to reconsider other strongly held beliefs of yours that are also wrong?
  14. BarryBwana

    Trump cfo weisselberg granted immunity

    I think you'll find its actually more due to providing the perception of a safe and stable investing environment rather than because it was harming individuals.
  15. BarryBwana

    Trump cfo weisselberg granted immunity

    Why do you assume she wants to reform? Only thing she regrets is getting caught. I would put money on that. I would also debate that insider trading inherently hurts others. It can for sure, but it can also just be a few people unjustly enriching themselves at no one else's expense if it's...
  16. BarryBwana

    Jordan Peterson

    If you're a clinical psychologist trying to turn people away from extremist ideologies then what better show to go on? I mean it's not rocket science to see that would be his ideal target audience. Not everyone wants to talk only to people they completely agree with and only yell at people they...
  17. BarryBwana

    Bc Blondes Samsung 561 and Game Changers

    Do they do a discount code for riu members?
  18. BarryBwana

    Why cannabis vape pens and concentrates are illegal

    Kid with seizures can live without CBD. Their quality of life would be drastically diminished, but they survive. I guess that's a good thing why medicine isn't defined as something you need in order to live. Marijuana isn't what I need to live, but it vastly enhances my quality of life as it...
  19. BarryBwana

    Opinion: Canadian Medical Association shouldn't give cannabis cold shoulder

    So how did an controlled substance become valid for medicinal use if there's a "lack of evidence" it provides medical benefits?
  20. BarryBwana

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    I hope you didn't read my post as an attack. I asked in good faith as I'm legitimately interested in what the answers might be. I'm as confident the earth is near spherical as I am about anything. I am the type who constantly questions things. My questions about the spherical nature of this...