Well-Known Member
I already have their blue dream Haze seeds....So many worthy contenders. Might have to get some Cali Connection genetics to keep some crap strains alive.
I already have their blue dream Haze seeds....So many worthy contenders. Might have to get some Cali Connection genetics to keep some crap strains alive.
bro i would love to share some with youConsidering giving some free seeds to newbies. These are bag seeds from high grade so your chances at getting a hermie are excellent. Free seeds for you then for long time, Joe.
Describe here how you would grow these. Extra points for first time growers using coco, cheap Amazon LED lights and a shitload of high dollar nutes.
Limited number available so write now!
Two pot dealers are granted probation under the condition that they save as many people from smoking pot as possible within one week by utilizing only a pen and a piece of paper. After one week they are standing in front of the judge again and are asked for their results. The first stands up and says that he has saved 100 people from their habit by drawing a big circle and a small circle on the paper. “How could that affect someone that much that he quits smoking pot?” the judge asks. “Well, I told them the big circle is the size of their brain without drugs and the small one the size of the brain when they get high.” “OK,” the judge replies, “penalty remitted.” He turns to the second and asks him for his outcome. “Well, I did pretty much the same, but I have made 200 people quit drugs by drawing a small circle first and then a big circle.” “And how come that saved more people from their habit?” “I told them the small circle is their asshole BEFORE they are sent to prison!hmmm. this a contest of some sort or just a kindness out of your big heart. I'd use coco and led lights.
Man I used this method and harvested 13 lbs off each plant. old school indoor
Dang, I never win nuthin'. Oh wait, I did win 'Participant' in Little League. A proud day...We have a winner! A free pack of bag seeds sure to bring mystery and misery.