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  1. BarryBwana

    High end/fail proof timers

    If you want fail proof you need to go mechanical and not electronic/digital....
  2. BarryBwana

    Legalization hampers Ottawa woman's access to pain-easing cannabis oil

    If you are a LP patient and you become aware they are out of product place an order while they are out. That should get you eligible for the class actions that are coming.
  3. BarryBwana

    Score or spore?: Whitehorse man alleges he bought moldy weed

    LP Quality control: "Holy shit! Look how frosty these buds are!!"
  4. BarryBwana

    is this the middle ages?

    Too often these days we read what we want inorder to bolster our already deeply held opinions instead of seeing what is actually there. It's quite clear to anyone who actually reads this that the topic was about the incidents in Mexico (and certainly these incidents occur around the globe), and...
  5. BarryBwana

    is this the middle ages?

    Civilization is a thin and fragile veneer over the human condition. Edit: I hadn't read the post that stated similar to this. If textbook history is accurate we've been literal savages for over 95% of our species existence. That we are where we are is actually pretty amazing and I think...
  6. BarryBwana

    The trials and tribulations of Barry "the newb" Bwana's first grow...

    So I finally flipped them into flower on Monday... had some bug problems that weren't a big deal but I wanted dealt with before flipping so fingers crossed! Might just do the flower with the 600w viparapectra. Other pic is of some clones I took a few weeks ago, all rooted in peat moss pucks...
  7. BarryBwana

    Drying Bud

    What's the lowest temp you'd go?
  8. BarryBwana

    Canada-wide cannabis shortages could last years, producers warn

    If you ever needed an example of why unnessary government industry control is bad.... Literally "drugged out hippies in basements & garages" have done a better job of serving the market than the combined might of the government (Federal and down) and their billion dollar corporate lackeys.
  9. BarryBwana

    Demons. Do They not live amonst us?

    Types of chimpanzes not only fight actual mini wars, but will literally torture enemie chimps too. Also humans rarely kill each other for "sport", but do so for "reasons". The reasons aren't good or legitimate typically speaking, but almost everyone will be mirrored in the animal kingdom too...
  10. BarryBwana

    Demons. Do They not live amonst us?

    Shhhhhh, we don't exist and anyone who says we do are crazy.....
  11. BarryBwana

    The Final Days of the Trump Administration.

    I thought these farmer types were the deplorable half of America and thus, as I've heard countless times of those types, deserve any and all misfortune that might befall them...
  12. BarryBwana

    Glad I No Longer sell my bud to the lads local.

    Haha years back was visiting family in the U.K. was at a party with a cousin and needed to resupply and one of those know it all knobs (as I was to discover) was going to help (cousin already knew he was a bellend, friend of a friend situation, but the bellend was the only person not advocating...
  13. BarryBwana

    Friendly Political Question

    What's the problem with BDO?
  14. BarryBwana

    My first grow, just looking for second opinions

    The answer to how long you should veg is really based on a bunch of factors so there's no definitive "this long" to that question. You veg until it's ready for flower is really the only answer but, for your purposes, i recognize this has little to no value haha. Factors to consider: Space you...
  15. BarryBwana

    Spots on leaves

    Sorry I meant leafs, not legs.. I'm now envisioning someone looking at thrips through a microscope trying to see the legs :smile: my bad!
  16. BarryBwana

    Chlorine - How long to evaporate.

    I decant my water like wine (I actually use a decanter, just cause I haven't even of those than jugs haha)... if it's good enough for the lady of the house it's good enough for all the ladies in the house! Seriously though, if the chlorine isn't gone after 24 hours of just sitting then neither...
  17. BarryBwana


    That looks like a clean top, not a FIM (Fuck I Missed) which is where you take off about 2/3rds-3/4rs of the new growth as opposed to it all (Topping). Jimsamick is setting you straight, you just did it too soon (not enough nodes). I think it should recover but you might need a more...
  18. BarryBwana

    Spots on leaves

    Neem oils w/ water will suffocate them. Spinosad works too while in veg (I used this and first application took out the thrips.... spider mites are a different story).
  19. BarryBwana

    Spots on leaves

    Mind if I ask what's with the black grid work on the bottom? Looks like thrips... you seeing and shimmering silver stains/smears on the legs too?
  20. BarryBwana

    My first grow, just looking for second opinions

    With the internet you shouldn't have to pay for information, but you will have to invest time. You have far wiser heads in here giving advice Thani, but to me those plants look like they stretched more than they grew (haha, sorry for the bad word play) which is why everyone is saying get new...