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  1. stsin

    OMMP charity?

    Pretty sure he's just saying that now that everyone and their mother grows pot, it will be hard to get rid of anything less than tip top shelf for reimbursement.
  2. stsin

    Anyone know about "household totals" i.e. OMMP + new legal status...

    note that the senate bill has now stalled (due in no small part to both sides refusing to give ground on how communities can ban marijuana facilities.) I don't think it'll end up passing with all the amendments, we'll see how not passing anything at all effects recreational. But really, they...
  3. stsin

    Anyone know about "household totals" i.e. OMMP + new legal status...

    When I called the people in charge of recreational pot a few months ago, they said that you can't combine medical and recreational you only get 6 plants not 6 +4 (which makes little sense as the way medical laws are written they specifically exempt us from state laws so at the very least you'll...
  4. stsin

    Multiple growers at one site

    ATM you can have up to 4 growers per address (said address doesn't have to be a house/office where the grower lives/works) And for others: each corresponding grower can have up to 4 patients, with each patient having up to 6 mature plants. Just remember, make sure you can trust them. If...
  5. stsin

    Moving outside after an extended indoor veg time:

    I currently cheated for my hoophouse, attached a pair of 2x4s in an L to both the house and the side fence about 5' up, then just drilled holes for the 10' pvc pipes, bent them down and forced them through the holes, no solvents, and easy (relatively) to remove if one doesn't count the 2x4s...
  6. stsin

    Moving outside after an extended indoor veg time:

    Alco: since no one else chimed in, I can happily report that 4 54w florescents do keep plants from budding outside (which is good as I was fearing I'd need to turn all 8 on ;) ) I suspect you can get by with considerably less (as my "greenhouse" looks like a friggin UFO at night) I did the...
  7. stsin

    Patient in Maine, visiting Oregon.

    Sadly no. Oregon does not at this time accept out of state MMJ patients. Rather, patients from out of state MMJ programs, oregon does give out of state people access to its MMJ program but that's not what you want as it takes time, and isn't free... FWIW Nevada does, but that doesn't help you...
  8. stsin

    time is nearing for the grow season. {MYGIRLS 2015 OUTDOOR}

    Heh, good reason (and oh so yum!!!! :) ) Now if they were GUINEA pigs their poop would be gold and there would be less cleanup (though not quite as gold as rabbits....)
  9. stsin

    Moving outside after an extended indoor veg time:

    Alco raises a good question, how many watts of T5 need to be used to offset early flowering? (It occurs to me it's significantly cheaper to use my 125W clone/seedling light instead of the 440W veg, and well, if something happens and it gets wet it's also much cheaper to replace ;) ) Also I...
  10. stsin

    Starting to add compost from the compost pile to the side garden (and rototiller it in). FUN!

    Starting to add compost from the compost pile to the side garden (and rototiller it in). FUN!
  11. stsin

    Moving outside after an extended indoor veg time:

    awesome thanks! I'll do the veg light in the garden option in a few weeks when frost isn't an issue I think then. I've already run a flower test on these genetics (the majority of my theater room's winter heat was the air cooled 1kw HPS :) ) so I'm sure which I will be growing :) Well, I...
  12. stsin

    Moving outside after an extended indoor veg time:

    I forgot to ask, is there a reason you wait until may when you're using the T5 to fool them into longer days? Just a location preference due to temps, they're not ready, or is there an obvious reason why I wouldn't want to move them outside as soon as frost allows (with my current veg light...
  13. stsin

    Moving outside after an extended indoor veg time:

    Ugh, that's a lot more indoor time than I hoped but I suppose now I know for next time to start the selection process 2 months later next year.... In the meantime I'm going to need larger pots for indoors... Hmmm, the idea of the t5 in the hoop house until june could be a winner for my...
  14. stsin

    Moving outside after an extended indoor veg time:

    Hey all, fairly straight forward question, where I live the days aren't going to be longer than 12 hours until march 19nd (at which point it's 12:02 from sunrise to sunset). If the weather blokes are to be believed I could in theory move my girls outside on the 15th (11hr 50 min days). However...
  15. stsin

    Ok outdoor growers (or people who don't like to trim)

    Nom: Not entirely sure this is what you're looking for but here are the pictures (before/loaded/after and a close up of one of the buds) of the sugar plants that turned hermi and needed to be harvested a bit early (which leaves me a month or so behind where I should be on half of my allocated 6...
  16. stsin

    time is nearing for the grow season. {MYGIRLS 2015 OUTDOOR}

    Man, if only pigs had more Nitrogen in their waste... I don't envy you the cleanup. Out of curiosity, why pigs? Pets, slaughter, or doing a favor for a friend (that you'll not do again ;) )
  17. stsin

    Waiting for planting time.... (soon, soon soon!)

    Waiting for planting time.... (soon, soon soon!)
  18. stsin

    Sannie's SugarPunch

    OGE: thanks! Hopefully my outdoor experience won't be much different than yours. I truly love Sannie's Jack, but it took for flipping ever to finish and I can't always luck out with a late frost ;) Greasemonkey: Thanks for the SP clone suggestion!!! I'm looking forward to growing the JB x...
  19. stsin

    Sannie's SugarPunch

    Holy crap, I got one of the last batches of Sugar Punch? That sucks (well, for those that still want it, fairly lucky for me). Going to be growing a few of the girls outside way up north @ 44 lat. Figure I'll harvest in mid November like Sannie's Jack last year, but I'm hopeful it will be...
  20. stsin

    ETA for OMMP Card?

    FWIW, Renewals are much quicker this year vs last years application (at least for me) DHS received my package on 1-27-15 and on 2-6-15 sent out my new cards (8 business days later.) Mind you for whatever reason processing my application(s) have tended to be quicker than others reported each...