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  1. SuperHI TnT

    Can someone tell me what I'm the hell is going on!

    I was under the impression that 500 ppm is rather low. How is it I burnt them. What nutrient did it? Really it's only the one Middle plant.
  2. SuperHI TnT

    Can someone tell me what I'm the hell is going on!

    Do you feel better now that you've gotten that off your chest?
  3. SuperHI TnT

    Can someone tell me what I'm the hell is going on!

    I wish I knew why my thread is being hijacked by guys that just want to talk shit to each other meanwhile my plants are withering away
  4. SuperHI TnT

    Can someone tell me what I'm the hell is going on!

    Oh yeah...for the regular photo plant which is the smallest of the three is getting dyna grow grow. Should I stop that and use foliage pro instead?
  5. SuperHI TnT

    Can someone tell me what I'm the hell is going on!

    Ok so I added about half a tsp. Of foliage pro to the Rez and I'll bring the ph down a bit now
  6. SuperHI TnT

    Can someone tell me what I'm the hell is going on!

    These are autoflower and are on 24/0 light schedule btw
  7. SuperHI TnT

    Can someone tell me what I'm the hell is going on!

    Also ppm is at 670 right this second with a ph of 6.1
  8. SuperHI TnT

    Can someone tell me what I'm the hell is going on!

    Well I just bought the pen and calibrated it within the last 3 weeks. My ph has stayed at a pretty steady 6.4-6.5 until I brought it down to 6.2. The nutes I check far less regularly because I don't add much very often anyway. I just try to keep ph right and not let ppm get too low
  9. SuperHI TnT

    Can someone tell me what I'm the hell is going on!

    Ph was at 6.5 but is at 6.2 now
  10. SuperHI TnT

    Can someone tell me what I'm the hell is going on!

    I'm using dyna grow bloom and grow on the little one. They're at about 500 ppm. The roots look great btw
  11. SuperHI TnT

    Can someone tell me what I'm the hell is going on!

    i can't get these plants figured out. I've flushed and adjusted ph. I've added cal mag and nothing helps. I pulled some bad leaves off the small one right before I took the picture. I didn't think of posting until after I removed the leaves. Two are dwc and one is a hempy. Any help would be...
  12. SuperHI TnT

    Two plants roots tangled but at different stages of budding. What do i do when it's time to flush?

    I have two plants and one is within a week of being ready but the roots are so tangled I can't separate them to flush it. The other plant is a 2-3 weeks behind the first. What should I do? Hack the first plants roots so I can separate them and flush it or should I flush both for a few days then...
  13. SuperHI TnT

    Something is wrong with my hempy bucket plant...plz help

    I did the same thing with my bucket. I put an airstone in the bottom just for shigs, also I used 2" of hydroton on the bottom with the rest being perlite.
  14. SuperHI TnT

    Something is wrong with my hempy bucket plant...plz help

    Ok cool. I flushed it out with tap water with a ph of 7.3. I think you're right about the ph. This has happened with all of my plants recently and I think it has something to do with the tap water ph. Anyway I bought some ph up and down to control fluctuations. I got all the other plants sorted...
  15. SuperHI TnT

    Something is wrong with my hempy bucket plant...plz help

    a couple of days ago my plant started showing brown between the veins on the leaves. I'm kind of a newb when it comes to nutrient deficiencies. I've been giving her dyna grow in tap water at about 300-400 ppm. Any help would be much appreciated.
  16. SuperHI TnT

    Central Florida attic grow. Nirvana jock horror auto flower

    Day 96: the plant on the left is about a month ahead of the one on the right I think. They have really exploded since I installed the new lights. The last pic is from the plant on the right
  17. SuperHI TnT

    Central Florida attic grow. Nirvana jock horror auto flower

    I built a new light array and installed it yesterday. 4 90cri 3000k clu048 1818's driven with 2 meanwell hlg 185's at about 90 watts per cob. I moved the other array into my veg tent as well
  18. SuperHI TnT

    Central Florida attic grow. Nirvana jock horror auto flower

    Can anybody help me figure out the problem here? The leaf tips are curling up and turning brown.
  19. SuperHI TnT

    Central Florida attic grow. Nirvana jock horror auto flower

    I topped it off with phd water. I'll continue to do that for a couple days and then I will resume with bloom nutes only. I really appreciate the advice and info. Also it's good to know the nomenclature for issues like "clawing". Thanks again
  20. SuperHI TnT

    Central Florida attic grow. Nirvana jock horror auto flower

    I'm so glad you pointed this out to me southern grower. I had no idea what was going on. Should I just refill Rez with my bloom nutes. I was using dyna grow grow which has a lot of nitrogen in it so I'm thinking that's the issue.