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  1. Slimjimham

    Bluelab ph controller

    Im sold, keeps ph exactly where you set it, like I said, I quickly bought two more so all systems are on these... It only controls ph in one direction (you should want to use ph down) If ph gets out of whack it will email you (only with connect version and connect stick) I can only imagine...
  2. Slimjimham

    Bluelab ph controller

    To clarify I just heard back. They said the light is 100% safe and won't interrupt the night cycle... Also said it didn't matter what brightness level they're on...
  3. Slimjimham

    Bluelab ph controller

    also about the light, and placing them outside of the room... theyre in the room now, never done that... but this is what theyre for right? you'd think if lighting was an issue they'd have a photocel so there was no backlight at lights off... hopefully its all good
  4. Slimjimham

    Bluelab ph controller

    these are the controllers AKA ph dosers (so the probe is always in the system/res)... they dose ph down as the ph tends to rise to keep the ph locked at 5.8 or whatever you set it to... ill say I cant speak on the durability because I just got them but they do what theyre supposed to... lock the...
  5. Slimjimham

    Bluelab ph controller

    Also this thing glows green from the display... Says it's plant safe but has me lightly concerned since I never have any light in the flower room at night... You guys thing it'll be safe or should I cover the display with duct tape?
  6. Slimjimham

    Bluelab ph controller

    Any of you guys have these? I just scooped up two, need at least 2 more bit figured I'd try them first... They're the connect version, and they both cane with a connect stick! (They weren't supposed to... It lets you see system pm online/phone) So I'll have to throw one on ebay Anyways my ph...
  7. Slimjimham

    New to grodan (rockwool) and switching a light to test

    Well they must be happy and rooting, plants are looking happy so far! Oh and that bluelab ph control that I got came with the connect stock when it wasn't supposed to.... Score! They sell for a bit over $100. No I can check my ph on the phone!
  8. Slimjimham

    New to grodan (rockwool) and switching a light to test

    ... Clones just went in.... Like said they're aeroponic clones that I put in the rockwool starters with slits, then pot those in the hugos... A bit concerned this isn't ideal but I'm sure the roots will dig into the grodan... If they're not wilted over in the morning when I check on them I...
  9. Slimjimham

    New to grodan (rockwool) and switching a light to test

    That sounds perfectt for what I'm doing then, I'm also going to be running uc roots (basically bleach, but omari listed) in the system, with the water chilled to 65*...don't think it'll work the chiller much, I'll prob make some kind of blanket for the res. I'm a bit concerned 12 may be too...
  10. Slimjimham

    New to grodan (rockwool) and switching a light to test

    @Blue brother how many of those plants for wach light and how long did you veg to get them there? That's looking great, very similar to what I'm looking here's even more questions for ya ha... Are you using bigger than the 6x6 blocks? How much calmag do you find yourself using as a...
  11. Slimjimham

    New to grodan (rockwool) and switching a light to test

    Have any pictures of your plants in flower? Also prob my biggest question what is everyone using as a ppm base of calmag? (500 scale) I have 0 ppm water, rethinking things I'm going to stick with the RO water. Thanks!!!
  12. Slimjimham

    New to grodan (rockwool) and switching a light to test

    So I'm gonna start by saying I'm pumped with all the input and interest so far! There will be lots of posts when its starting (tomorrow) I'm currently running current culture 4 sites under each light growing trees... So this will be a change. I'm planning on growing many small plants under...
  13. Slimjimham

    New to grodan (rockwool) and switching a light to test

    I'll deff be looking for specific soon. Hit me with any tips you learned along the way you wish you knew sooner. Thanks guys. Clones should be going in, in the next couple of days
  14. Slimjimham

    New to grodan (rockwool) and switching a light to test

    No doubt, and right now I grow one perpetual room so I can't do that, humidity is always 46-50 in my room. I'm talking about their rockwool drip style... Anyone grow in grodan (rockwool) with tips? Just ordered the table today... Something like $94 before tax for a 4' x 6' tray... And that's...
  15. Slimjimham

    New to grodan (rockwool) and switching a light to test

    Ok guys, if you're on instagram you've probably seen the jungle boys, and we all gotta admit they're killing it. So I figured if they're using this style, many large veggie green houses using this style... There's gotta be something to it So I'm going to run drip to recitculate in 6" cubes, I...
  16. Slimjimham

    Grodan cubes and blocks are pH NEUTRAL

    Hey guys, I'm just starting a grow with re, done soil and rdwc for many years. My question, what ppm do you feed in veg (example 300-500) and what ec do you use in flower? When you flush the last week do you do it with plain water or low ppm feed? Point me in the direction for a noob with...
  17. Slimjimham

    bodhi seeds

    Well looks like marijuana just went legal in my state (maine)!!! Here's to the work ahead trying to obtain some rec licenses!!! And with Cali legal and their huge economy the feds are going to have to address the issue soon!
  18. Slimjimham

    bodhi seeds

    Keep me posted on how this works out for ya
  19. Slimjimham

    bodhi seeds

    And you run this in the room with the plants?
  20. Slimjimham

    bodhi seeds

    So you had no issues with it hurting the plants themselves and ran it in the same room? Any way you could find out how much ozone your generator makes? There's an article that says 30-45 seconds for every cubic meter of your grow room but this is assuming an output of 400 mg ozone per hour...