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  1. Slimjimham

    New Commercial Building- HELLLLP

    and heres a couple leafs that i see something going on with in the veg room where plants are all looking perfect except this on just a few plants
  2. Slimjimham

    New Commercial Building- HELLLLP

    couple more pics
  3. Slimjimham

    New Commercial Building- HELLLLP

    Ok guys.... time for me to eat a huge slice of humble pie and reach out for help... im in a brand new commercial building i built from the ground up... new dosatron system and all so in a couple 4 light (gavita 1000) veg rooms the plants look practically perfect! had an issue with the...
  4. Slimjimham

    What do ya think about these leaves?

    Nope, finally figured it out... detective batches of grodan rockwool... I guess they have a new manufacturer in canada and they fucked it up royally. Think it's something to do with ph instability that's specificity from the defective rockwool.
  5. Slimjimham

    What do ya think about these leaves?

    Yeah... I'm thinking heat stress is a def possibility. Room is good at 78*, but they grow way too tall, getting pretty close to the lights, so maybe... but overall plants look nice and healthy, I'll have to take another pic soon to show very healthy overall growth. I'm growing in rockwool so...
  6. Slimjimham

    What do ya think about these leaves?

    What do ya think abot this leaf, never seen this before and have a few now. I'm growing in rockwool drain to waste. No nob before, doing well... wondering if my ph meter is off... or maybe heat stress from lights too close? What do ya think?
  7. Slimjimham

    Thinking about pulling the trigger on Centurion Pro, input?

    Ok guys! So I've been away for a while... really surfing insta more these days... but I'm expanding my legal setup and am pretty sure I'm set on buying a centurion pro trim machine... didn't know if anyone had any experience or recommendations/ comments? I've never used one of these machines...
  8. Slimjimham

    New to grodan (rockwool) and switching a light to test

    When I Transplant to 6x6 cubes I water on the transplant them dint water for like 10-14 days... feel the cube, it'll get lighter and when it feels like There's not a lot of water in there, then you water again... usually id say it's like 5-7 days after the second water that I water again...
  9. Slimjimham

    Symbiotic Genetics

    I just popped one seed, got what seems to be the holy fucking grail.... I'll bee posing more pics soon but check my Instagram - Johndough207 The pic I posted doesn't do it justice, ill post an update to Instagram in the next couple of days... on flush for 2 weeks now Shit looks unreal, huge...
  10. Slimjimham

    New to grodan (rockwool) and switching a light to test

    So an update, im still trying to learn every grow and get better. But im killing it! Shits looking better than ever and I've been at it a while. Check me out on instagram johndough207 I'm looking forward to getting a grosens meter in the near future to really dial in irrigation Fuck...
  11. Slimjimham

    Midweek Song Promotions

    Was just about to place any order, them I noticed the coupon code was reduced. Interested in ordering when you guys throw down a 20% coupon like you have in the past. Until them ill be waiting. Thanks, looking forward to a new coupon code!
  12. Slimjimham

    deficiency showing up week 6 of flower...under current

    Roots have and always were in great shape. Whay I found worked best was only topping with RO water, changing the tank weekly. Ppm starts at 400, dips close to 200 by changeouts every week.. This solved the issue... so thinking it's prob just that I need to run super low Ppm in my system...
  13. Slimjimham

    Topdawg Genetics

    So just to be clear, did you have any issues with the star og... he said if I can find someone else who experienced star Og hermied he would consider sending me another pack... Thanks! Just looking for someone else who had star Og hermies, nothing else in the room had issues And this was the...
  14. Slimjimham

    Topdawg Genetics

    Did you have any issues with the star oh? What was your experience with it? Thanks
  15. Slimjimham

    Topdawg Genetics

    Thankyou! Please keep me posted either way and tag me or 'quote' me so I see it. How far along are you @Jameshaze999
  16. Slimjimham

    Topdawg Genetics

    Keep digging for me if you know anyone who ran star og... fucking pissed really. He's treating me like I'm some bitch... I got fucked, sent him proof now he needs more proof from others.... it would cost him less than a dollar to send me another pack of something more tested. It's not like I'm...
  17. Slimjimham

    Topdawg Genetics

    They did seed up, hopefully not the whole room since it was just one plant though. Anyone else had this issue? He said that's the only way he'd replace the pack... but again this was the only in my garden to have an issue. If you've experienced this please speak up so I van get another pack
  18. Slimjimham

    Topdawg Genetics

    Anyone else have herm issues with star og? I hit top Dawg up on ig, basically told me see if anyone else has issues... I grew these out in two different systems, one in current culture dwc, 2 clones in rockwool... all hermied. Said I must have stressed them but they all look good to me and no...
  19. Slimjimham

    Topdawg Genetics

    I should have known better but I had two other clones of this going, had to cut them down.... fuccccck
  20. Slimjimham

    Topdawg Genetics

    Ahhh my star og hermied and seeded up a bit.... didn't have any issues with any other statics in the room. Kinda dissapointnent, I spent more for this pack than I've ever spent on any other one and it was my first run with top dawg gear... should I email them and ask for a replacement of...