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  1. bluewizard

    Lowryder Grow Question

    doesn't matter what light cycle you give them, they'll flower under 24 hours of constant light. they only flower when they're ready, you can't force them to start like other strains. that's the nature of an automatic flowerer.
  2. bluewizard

    bluewizard's rounds 2 and 3

    yeah.. they're still a little saggy from the last time i watered them, but the cups are drying up pretty quickly so the roots should start searching faster. once i have to water the cups, they should look a lot different. 201 still looks like shit though.. not a lot of recent growth. i'm...
  3. bluewizard

    bluewizard's rounds 2 and 3

    UPDATE: new vegetative growth noticed on the 200s, i guess this means they've started to take to the bigger cups. they are now on 20/4 light cycle. i have finished tweaking the room and i've got temps in the mid 70s with the light on. i am very proud of myself but could not have done it...
  4. bluewizard

    HELP just orded something and got 2 of them...just read an ull understand

    a few years ago an old buddy of mine applied to buy a computer through financing from Dell. they rejected his credit but still sent the computer as ordered and never billed or called him after. he still has it.
  5. bluewizard

    Drive across to Canada

    i remember on the website of one linked to earlier they shipped to the u.s. so they probably accept the currency
  6. bluewizard

    Why is a weed so complicated

    hindu kush. short, bushy, pure indica, potent, decent yields (probably won't make a big difference for a first timer). get the one from sensi, it's the original.
  7. bluewizard

    Argos selling GTA IV? WTF?

    hahaha. owned
  8. bluewizard

    Drive across to Canada

    another idea for the seeds is get a canadian seed bank to mail them to an address in niagara (p.o. box or whatever) then just come and pick them up. that way to can take advantage of the cheaper prices you'll get online and the less circulated yet cheaper and just as good canadian genetics. i...
  9. bluewizard

    Drive across to Canada

    all i can see you (la9) assuming or implying is that they're smart; niagara is one of canada's most southern regions and in the summer has weather very similar to california. it can get very sunny and very hot. i'd say it's smart to wear white t-shirts and hang out in the shade. it's a shame you...
  10. bluewizard

    check out my chunez (1 breaks/house, 1 jungle)

    there are many apps that can find bpm, plus if he's recording it he can just play along with click or a real metronome and then quantize if necessary. plus, aren't there pc and mac apps similar to JACK for linux?
  11. bluewizard

    Plants without light.

    seven's better than nothing. 8pm-8am should be pretty safe though. i used midnight to noon myself, because that's when i'm home and it gives me a good few hours to work in the room before i sleep.
  12. bluewizard

    Four Fat Females From the Flowering Floor (the basement)

    i see.. i wonder if vertical bulb + custom light mover would actually be better than horizontal + cool tube + light mover... i made myself a cooltube recently and between that, a second fan (one intake, one exhaust) and setting the ballast on a shelf instead of the floor i've had temps...
  13. bluewizard

    check out my chunez (1 breaks/house, 1 jungle)

    ...maybe he doesn't use them together, but records with the mpc then imports the wavs
  14. bluewizard

    Drive across to Canada

    last two posts... WHAT? how could that question POSSIBLY be construed as racism? you are more racist for assuming he meant somethig racist than he is. by the way, you know what duff stand for? Designated Ugly Fat Friend
  15. bluewizard

    Plants without light.

    i heard it is possible to artificially simulate photosynthesis by injecting the stem and/or leaves with the necessary chemicals, which i'm sure you could find in any outdoor plant. other than that, make sure it's lightproof and quiet and you shoud be good. leave music on loop to mask any...
  16. bluewizard

    you think its a good idea if..

    one word. ODOR. it would probably smell stronger than any of your plants. also, you never know what those people ingested to result in said feces and therefore can't control what your putting into your plants. what if someone's got parasites or infection or whatever that harms your plant...
  17. bluewizard

    Four Fat Females From the Flowering Floor (the basement)

    how does hanging your light vertically work for you? how powerful is it, over how many sq. feet? i've heard this method is less efficient for lumens, but very little heat builds up. thanks. also, plants look amazing. how many cycles have you already grown?
  18. bluewizard

    How to roll a joint like MrHowardMarks

    not a fan of the cig filters either, but i know enough people who swear by them. personal preferance. i like to feel the hit off my doobs a bit stronger so i use a rolled up piece of card or even regular paper. i make sure the hole is as wide as possible too with nothing blocking the middle...
  19. bluewizard

    bluewizard's rounds 2 and 3

    UPDATE: all fifteen seedlings were transplanted into party cups today. i took a picture of them (roughly 2 weeks since initial contact with water) before transplanting and i'll take some tomorrow to compare. my room is 95% complete, all i have to do is put up the finishing touches of...
  20. bluewizard

    Help crossbreeding

    i'm going to experiment with grafting once i have my veg box built. i'm using my dresser for it. ideally i'd have one mother plant with up to five different strains growing off it to take clones from.. after a few cycles of each strain i'd flower her and start again... people always want to...