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  1. bluewizard

    1000Watts 5 plans??

    yeah, but ten small plants will be ready much sooner than one big one, so your yield over time increases
  2. bluewizard

    13/11 Flowering

    isn't that why some growers will turn the lights off completely for the last week of their grow? the plant apparently produces more THC when this is done
  3. bluewizard

    Good stoner music

    massive attack
  4. bluewizard

    Light Bulb questions! Help Please!

    for just one plant, you could look into some of the lower wattage HIDs.
  5. bluewizard

    Signature Bowlpacks/Joint Rolls

    with bowls i like a nice flat top but a little packed in. if the top is slightly looser it's easier to light. when it comes to joints i like thin to medium thickness cones. i'll make them longer or fatter depending on the situation. i roll blunts fat and very coned, over 30 degree angle. the...
  6. bluewizard

    600W Hg HID

    they're both red spectrum. knowing what i know now, i'm probably going to use the Hg for veg and the HPS for flower.
  7. bluewizard

    600W Hg HID

    yeah, just the one light. our canopy is only eight square feet. did some reading on the light thread and it seems as though it's a mercury vapor bulb.. although that doesn't explain why it's brighter than the hps.. either way both bulbs are used and have the black scarring lamps get with time...
  8. bluewizard

    600W Hg HID

    We set up our light today and I tested out both bulbs we got. They were given to us by a friend and he gave us one 600W HPS and a 600W Hg. I've never heard anything about the Hg lamp before, but when plugged in it's brighter, quieter and cooler than the HPS. I 'm feeling we'll end up using the...
  9. bluewizard

    WW/male-female ratio

    feminized seeds make bad mothers from what i've heard.. it's because of how they're made, pollinating a female with a hermie it think...
  10. bluewizard

    Making Hash...whats your preferred way?

    i've pressed screen sifted keef before and it made some nice blonde pucks of hash. i've also scrapped the resin from the inside of my buddies magic bullet blender after grinding herb and rolled it into a hashball. it was really green but tasted and got you high like hash. the smoke even sat in...
  11. bluewizard

    This sites safety

    most of the busts are large scale ops meant to mass produce bud for sale. keep it small and secret and you'll be fine. as to people worrying that the DEA or whoever could access this site's records, i thought we had established this site's non-American hosting, leading to a large lack of...
  12. bluewizard

    Canada’s Leader Offers Antidrug Plan

    i read somewhere that it's 48-52% of americans. but i was high then and i'm high now, so grain of salt.
  13. bluewizard

    How to tell if this shit is good.

    i got some cess that looked a lot like this last summer, only it was a hashy brown color. it was some very potent stuff in the end all bag appeal aside. some strains like to keep the thc inside of the bud and will produce very little external resin. this doesn't mean that they don't have the...
  14. bluewizard

    I'm on acid right now

    poppy tea towards the end kills the last bit of comedown for me and knocks me right out.. sleep like a rock after that
  15. bluewizard

    would this do anything?

    yes. without hesitation in most cases. lock me up if you must
  16. bluewizard

    Sulphur Bomb

    Pardon my ignorance, but what is the purpose of a sulfur bomb?
  17. bluewizard

    construction finishes tomorrow

    shit, forgot the floorplan. everyone keeps forgetting to post the pics with the original body on these forums... ...i wonder why?!?:joint::hump:
  18. bluewizard

    construction finishes tomorrow

    we're on the verge of finishing construction of our grow room. we'll be done tomorrow after a hard day of cutting holes for ventilation and mounting lights and shit. oh, and light proofing the door. Our set up is as follows. It's a closet within a closet. Basically, my bedroom has a walk-in...
  19. bluewizard


    the first ounce i ever bought was BC Blueberry. It's scent lives up to the name. overall good weed, though i wouldn't call it primo. the stuff i usually get now is mostly crosses of blueberry and various other genetics and i keep going back for more so there must be something in it. from what i...
  20. bluewizard

    caramel frappuccino bud

    don't be.. in all honesty, our guy is great (availability, prices, quantities and what not) but his chron in usually mid-range quality (the stuff he grows himself is high mid-range, the stuff he buys to sell, not so much). this has really only been the second or third time we've been able to...