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  1. bobtokes

    First Time Grow, Newbie, thoughts!?

    looks like cal/mag def to me but the pics are crap, if you keep your ph at 5.8 you will get mg def, raise your ph to 6.3 2/3 times a week to allow the the uptake of cal/mg
  2. bobtokes


    i think growing in coco is much easier for a new grower, all i use is .......... canna coco (soil/media) canna coco A/B (nutes) maxicrop seaweed cal/mag (calcium/magnesium) i use the plant magic brand THIS IS KEEPING IT SIMPLE take this list of items to a grow shop and they will sort you out...
  3. bobtokes


    canna soil is reliable and worth the extra £'s compared to the ground up pallets and leaf mold you get from super market composts (nasty and will cause probs) i use maxicrop seaweed in every feed, but i grow in coco, i use it in place of canna rhyzotonic if you haven't bought anything yet...
  4. bobtokes

    Cal/mag AND spider mites?

    have a look on the under sides of the leaves for mites with a 30x loup , but it looks like cal/mag def what are you ph ing at, do you know the EC of your plain tap water ?
  5. bobtokes

    12/12 and no signs of sex?

    PRICELESS LOL, turtle him
  6. bobtokes

    Please help, Over my head

    Nice set up mate
  7. bobtokes

    Anyone have any suggestions

    dont forget to tell him "I TOLD YOU SO" when it all goes pear shaped :D
  8. bobtokes

    Anyone have any suggestions

    you need to raise your ph to 6.3 a couple a times a week or you you will lock out cal/mag
  9. bobtokes

    Few plant issues in flower, suggestions?

    have you raised the PH yet, you need to raise the PH to at least 6.3 to allow the uptake of cal/mag, do that 1-2 times a week
  10. bobtokes

    Few plant issues in flower, suggestions?

    if your using RO water you will need to give them a shot of cal/mag
  11. bobtokes

    Where were you on 9/11

    i was squaring up to a dodgy builder who was stealing concrete blocks outta my garden to use on a neighbors extension
  12. bobtokes

    Leaf problems... Not sure what it is!

    what are you PH ing your feeds at ?
  13. bobtokes

    Few plant issues in flower, suggestions?

    looks like you are giving them too much N, I don't usually need to go higher than 1.1-1.2 EC what ever strain i'm growing with canna A/B, what is the EC of your plain water ? looks like MG def as well, i would let your PH drift up to 6.3-6.5 so you don't lock out MG and Calcium.
  14. bobtokes

    Help identify this deficiency please....

    looks more like zinc def with the brown tips ? try raising your ph a little
  15. bobtokes

    Please help, Over my head

    i've got no idea what your banging on about ?
  16. bobtokes

    Serious shit.....looking for random input

    if you both get lawyers they will start an even bigger shit fight and most of your inheritance will end up in their pockets as fees
  17. bobtokes

    Plant stopped growing in veg phase, time to switch to flower?

    looks hungry and over watered
  18. bobtokes

    Plant stopped growing in veg phase, time to switch to flower?

    go and buy a cheap thermometer ffs
  19. bobtokes

    What should i run with canna A+B?

    you dont need a flower booster with canna A/B if you want to keep it simple if your gonna use 13/14 dont give um the full dose
  20. bobtokes

    Plant stopped growing in veg phase, time to switch to flower?

    what are your temps like, what are you feeding it on ?