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  1. bobtokes

    Pest Advice Request

    check your plant a couple of hours after lights out, the wee beastie could be nocturnal
  2. bobtokes

    Nutrient Problem? Help!!!!

    ah is that why, never used it myself
  3. bobtokes

    Clone needs help!

    is that compost or garden soil ?
  4. bobtokes

    Nutrient Problem? Help!!!!

    dont know what nutes your using but why the bloom nutes in veg ? also you need to vary your ph over a week between 5.8-6.3 or you will lock out cal/mag
  5. bobtokes

    Help needed!! Cant decide-Canna terra flores vs canna bio flores yields

    if you go with the bio flores and use 13/14 you will be defeating the object of using a bio flower fert because the 13/14 is a chemical fert
  6. bobtokes

    Woman has sex with baby T-Rex at dino park

    not a nice thought !
  7. bobtokes

    Woman has sex with baby T-Rex at dino park

    fugly, upper body of a wrestler LOL
  8. bobtokes


    you might have locked some thing out, your plain waterings should have sorted that, what are you ph ing at
  9. bobtokes


    if your leaves are turning purple at week 8 it usually means they are burning all the stored up nutes in the leaves, i usually keep feeding until the trichs turn milky then flush for 10 days, if your not planning to flush for a week or 2 give um another feed
  10. bobtokes

    Using epsom salt for mag deficiency.

    yep that'll do it, what are you growing in and what are you ph ing at ?
  11. bobtokes

    What causes this?

    they look hungry, and they look like they could do with cal/mag too, what are you ph ing at what is the ph of the run off ?
  12. bobtokes

    Is this purpling or a deficiency?

    could be phosphorous deficiency ?
  13. bobtokes

    shiva shanti: please advise and help

    Eastern european
  14. bobtokes


    if the pot is filled out with roots you can water as much and as often as you like in coco, people think the bigger the pot the bigger the yield, but if the pot is too big for the plant it will reduce the yield in coco
  15. bobtokes


    i bet those pots take 5 days to dry out with those small plants,thats why i always pot up in stages, that could be his problem along with n tox
  16. bobtokes


    how big are those pots, ?
  17. bobtokes

    12 Plants Under ~600w Cob Leds

    don't remember saying that, think your getting me mixed up with someone else, lol
  18. bobtokes

    12 Plants Under ~600w Cob Leds

    i see no toilet LOL
  19. bobtokes

    First Time Grow, Newbie, thoughts!?

    no probs dan add some cal/mag if you haven't already and raise the ph, ;)
  20. bobtokes


    are you saying you have grown before using miracle grow ?