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  1. CoralMafia

    Back after 15yr hiatus, 4'x4' LED Tent Grow

    Yes it sure does, it's always been a good sign in the past so hopefully it continues to be!
  2. CoralMafia

    Back after 15yr hiatus, 4'x4' LED Tent Grow

    Keep in mind they went into system as seedlings on 8/25,lol
  3. CoralMafia

    Back after 15yr hiatus, 4'x4' LED Tent Grow

    Man i brushed aside the growth to take a look a the stems and was blown away, check these babies out, These little stalks just swelled up after I FIMed the tops.
  4. CoralMafia

    Back after 15yr hiatus, 4'x4' LED Tent Grow

    Well a little mid week update, I decided to go ahead and FIM my girls. They really have been doing fantastic, you cant even tell that I did anything at all to them. Thats really all for now, Im gonna start flowering next Sunday so the goodness is yet to come. Also wanna say thx to all...
  5. CoralMafia

    does this look healthy

    Looks kinda like preflowers maybe, have you started to flower it?
  6. CoralMafia

    Super critical grow

    Just seen this journal, Awesome grow man,Props.
  7. CoralMafia

    Back after 15yr hiatus, 4'x4' LED Tent Grow

    I love this little guy, yeah i know Ive said that before, damn I think Im obsessed. Lol SnowBud by Canuk Seeds Oh yeah I also noticed all my little girls are showing there pre-flower pistils, which I am super stoked about because I was kinda worried I might get a few hermies. I am going to...
  8. CoralMafia

    Back after 15yr hiatus, 4'x4' LED Tent Grow

    Yeah Im sure I do worry to much, not always a bad thing,lol. But yeah I am glad it happened now, it woulda sucked in the middle of flowering for sure. This morning they were all back to praying up to the light so no harm, no foul,lol.
  9. CoralMafia

    GB80'S Blue Dream

    Sounds like good stuff, Ill have to try it out next run!
  10. CoralMafia

    Back after 15yr hiatus, 4'x4' LED Tent Grow

    Well guys I almost pulled a major BoneHead move! I wanted to change my watering schedule so I reset my timer and then I got a phone call and rushed out the door, by now Im sure you see where this is headed. So I was gone about 8 hours and man when I got home looked down and seen that timer with...
  11. CoralMafia

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    Lol lmao, gotta love those J's.
  12. CoralMafia

    GB80'S Blue Dream

    Dang now yall got me wanting to try that Terpinator! Who makes it and whats its primary function? Great job GB!
  13. CoralMafia

    Back after 15yr hiatus, 4'x4' LED Tent Grow

    Thx Dc glad to have ya along, I currently have a Kind K5 1000 but plan on making a few cobs but depends if I get them done in time but Im really curious to see what I could get with the Kind.
  14. CoralMafia

    Back after 15yr hiatus, 4'x4' LED Tent Grow

    Quick little Friday update, And had to include a close up of the SnowBud, man i just love its growth structure so far, showing those nice Indica roots,lol
  15. CoralMafia

    GB80'S Blue Dream

    Lol Congrats on the journal GB80, Great looking stuff man. I know a lot of people hate on those mars leds but you have done well with them. Awesome nug shot, keep doing what your doing. People here dont like my Kind either but its doing good so far, so hey whatever works for ya.
  16. CoralMafia

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    So would I need the 36v or 72v if I was to DIY it.
  17. CoralMafia

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    thx for all the info greatly app.
  18. CoralMafia

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Okay so 3500k is acceptable for the full cycle ?
  19. CoralMafia

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Okay so would 6x 360watt Optics CXB3070's do the trick for a 8x8 and could I use the 4000k for veg and bloom?