Back after 15yr hiatus, 4'x4' LED Tent Grow

hope all is well, can't see the pics for some reason but I'm sure they look great! Let the flowering begin!!!!
Man i brushed aside the growth to take a look a the stems and was blown away, check these babies out,
These little stalks just swelled up after I FIMed the tops.
Well today will officially be the first day off flowering, I am gonna change time from 24hrs to 18/6 before going to 12/12 to try to help with the transition! I think I let them get a tad big but I do have my 8x8 that some can go in.
Well i kicked back the lights and bumped up the nutes on these girls tonight! Sunday is always my Rez change day so I did it all this evening. Lights will be going out from 2:30am to 8:30am, that way they can sleep while I do. I kicked the nutes up to 1300ppm and the ph was 6.0 so they should be loving that. They look like it at least,lol.
Of course I do have a runt of the litter, she came outta her bean all retarded and never grew outta it, she's a fighter though so I don't have the heart to pull her. Here she is,
Everybody else looks so happy so I can only chalk it up to bad genetics, or something. Here is the SnowBud,
And Jack Herer,
Other than that not much else to report, I'm really looking forward to the next couple of months! Oh and I will be setting up my 8'x8' this week so I will update with some pics of that when its finished. Thx everyone for their comments and or questions.
Hey hey Sp@rt! Yeah the Jack Herer has a bit of burn and the runt but other than that the Cheese and SnowBud are loving it,lol. I am what they say an over protective parent, I am always checking and fiddling with something so if that burn gets worse I'll be on it! Lol .
Thx for stopping by over here and if ya didnt see I am setting up my Gorilla 8'x8' this week so I will have to start a new journal or maybe just amend it to this one.
Ah, bro. Hard work and effort only makes the payout all the more worthwhile! Looking forward to seeing what you'll do with all that space. Where'd you get the Jack Herer? What breeder? I might be able to give you some pointers on it.
The whole tent was Canuk seeds from TNSB. I think True North seed bank is the only one carrying them. The Jack was a freebie along with the SnowBud as well so I am looking forward to there turnout.
Busy as hell today, but a little pic to brighten the
That one in the right corner has been a stretcher from the start almost but she is also lanky which kinda sucks but on the bright side I have definitely identified a nice mother to pluck outta the bunch. (left side,the bushy one kinda mid way down) She has great growth structure, a stalk thats bigger than my pointer already, and nice node spacing.I wasn't gonna pick a mom this round but I messed up in the beginning and used all my cheese beans without saving any and I don't want to order more yet. (Was kinda paranoid about that whole process, TBH.) anyhow of to the local gardening store to collect supplies for the 8'x8'. Wooohooooo!
I spy with my little eye,
image.jpg Man I just started the light at 18/6 a couple of days ago so they shouldn't be flowering so wondering if I got some Autos by mistake? What y'all think?
How tall is that plant, the one that's budding? Ruderalis genetics induce flowering in plants as soon as they reach maturity, usually at around 12 inches. That one looks to be about 10 days into budding.
hmm, hard to believe they would mix up the seeds like that but possible I guess. I had flowers showing within 3-4 days on my recent grow but they were clones and ready to go by the time I flipped them. You could call the place where you got the seeds and ask them if the seed switch could have occurred...
Hey Sp@rt The plants are about 14" they have been showing pistils for about 7 days but I have had the light on 24. 2 days ago I switched it to 18/6 in prep for the 12/12 thats coming this weekend. All the Cheese as well as the Jack Herer and SnowBud started showing their pistils like I said above about 7 days ago but there is 3 of the Cheese that seem to be more advanced in flower than the others. That brings me to what I said about maybe being Autos. I got these from True North seed bank and i got 7 Cheese and some other stuff so when I got my order there was the 7 Cheese seeds by Canuk in Breeder packs and then there was 3 extra Cheese in a separate standard zip bag. So maybe the 3 extra were Autos? I never marked which Cheese were which cause even the 3 had Cheese by Canuk on them so I thought they were the same, I'll definitely mark everything from now on.
Ghost when I ordered from True North it was a great exp. but I have since read a lot of bad about them so maybe they could mix it up but I don't want to say that cause it might not be. Hey it looks great either way so I am not that upset. Lol!