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  1. N

    Question: Grow box intake fan and fabric pots

    For me that Controller 67 almost eliminates the need for other devices like that Pulse Grow Room Monitor that I was looking at. If they added VPD into the equation (at least calculate/show/graph it if not use it as a trigger for the win) it would be perfect. Wish it was WiFi though instead of...
  2. N

    Question: Grow box intake fan and fabric pots

    re: the AC infinity and mixing models that is another key thing - you can finally do the 4" intake/6" exhaust and similar setups. Finally! Once they realized what their target market demanded in features it was bound to happen.
  3. N

    Question: Grow box intake fan and fabric pots

    yeah, if you can't afford to play then you should look into other options. I'm in similar shoes and odor control/stealth are required - if I can't solve those two issues I just don't even consider it.
  4. N

    Question: Grow box intake fan and fabric pots
  5. N

    Question: Grow box intake fan and fabric pots

    So 1st off, do not buy they one with the better controller. Get the base model - they don't have this in the bundled version as of time I inquired with them. Rather, it's a separate controller sold on its own. I.e. I purchased the CLOUDLINE S6 and then look for "AC Infinity Controller 67"...
  6. N

    Humidifier additives - safe for grow and safe for dry/cure?

    So when you buy a humidifier they often recommend using these additives to keep them clear of any funk. I.e. standing water and then blasting it around the room with the blower. The last time I ran the humidifier was to keep the room at a target % RH so that the drying tent would be on target...
  7. N

    Question: Grow box intake fan and fabric pots

    re: your questions about the fabric pots, I'd have to expect them to dry out faster unless you do something intentional to redirect how the incoming air routes to the point where the extraction fan/filter would pull it. You could perhaps do something to bring it up right below the canopy but...
  8. N

    First organic grow, is this nute burn?

    The other chart often posted with the Muelders then speaks to the ratios amongst the inputs. Don't have it handy but for some of these are theoretical 'target ratios' to aim for when balancing things. That's the next trick after understanding the antagonist/stimulation relationships between them.
  9. N

    First organic grow, is this nute burn?

    Greensand also offers some micros but takes forever to break down from what I've always read. I include it for slow release and that might mean 'next run' slow, so if you plan to re-use the soil then I'd consider including greensand for the long-term benefits. Another member on here was chasing...
  10. N

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    Yeah I do like that it includes phosphoric acid, but I was also looking to avoid any more P inputs as well. So I think it uses both citric and phosphoric. I did note that EarthJuice has their pH up/down 'crystals' but that is just citric acid for the pH down it looks. I was checked MSDS sheets...
  11. N

    What plant problems manifest as only impacting part of the plant

    Maybe I need a snazzier title to get the right eyes on this one, but I can say for sure that this is impacting things branch-by-branch. The original plant has further signs of this issue spreading but when I trace it down to the main stalk it's limited to specific branches. It's as if they...
  12. N

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    Anyone able to clarify for me how the Hades Down compares to other ph adjusters oriented towards hydro? I need to drop my soil pH a little bit and was going to grab some Hades as I usually haven't needed it, just Oly for up. When I looked at what exactly it was it's just phoshoric acid and...
  13. N

    What plant problems manifest as only impacting part of the plant

    Any reccomendations on self-priming transfer pumps for this scenario? The rez only has around 6-7" max so getting a siphon might be tricky. I've looked at self-priming pumps at the big box stores - looking for something I can get tomorrow or next day at latest (i.e. Amazon/1 day). At the big...
  14. N

    What plant problems manifest as only impacting part of the plant

    So it just struck me, the bluelab meter I have is the one with the long ass wires. I can drop them down my fill tube! Ah ha! So I took a ppm reading and found the 1st plant was at 1450ppm or so. A bit hot so thought maybe I'm onto something. Checked the one that I just found flopped over...
  15. N

    What plant problems manifest as only impacting part of the plant

    For anyone who read and was curious, I just went in this evening and found the plant beside the one that had the issue had basically wilted overnight and was noticeably dropping. It was the only other one that received a heavy dose of Herculean (liquid bonemeal from NFTG) but it didn't show any...
  16. N

    EWC as your medium

    I think I remember some threads with someone who was growing in what was mainly a manure medium, but can't recall any where ewc was the primary and large percentage of. If it's something you're interested in it would seem like something you could do on a small scale first to try it out. I'd...
  17. N

    AgSIL questions

    From my limited understanding of the additional benefits beyond just being a source of Si, I add it for the extra K and also use it to move the pH as needed.
  18. N

    What plant problems manifest as only impacting part of the plant

    Tonight I was able to check at lights on and there is a little more progression where I had noticed it starting in another area to the back (which gets less direct fan exposure which means I'm thinking it's not wind/fan burn here after all). The only other notable change is that the hairs...
  19. N

    What plant problems manifest as only impacting part of the plant

    Good ole' swim... yeah I know that guy. :D
  20. N

    What plant problems manifest as only impacting part of the plant

    Red state here, I don't do pics otherwiseb I would share. Was hunting the web looking for images with an identical look otherwise.