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  1. RickyBobby26

    a comprehensive review of economic anxiety in the rust belt

    I'll bite: percentage of white residents. Right? ETA: Doesn't that mean all the other counties were racist against Trump?
  2. RickyBobby26

    Make Liberalism Great Again

    They'll get 60 votes on conservatives.
  3. RickyBobby26

    Make Liberalism Great Again

    An just think: in Trump's 8 years, he'll move the SCOTUS so far right, we'll be back to yesteryear for at least the next 100 years.
  4. RickyBobby26

    Draining The Swamp..

    You noticed that too?
  5. RickyBobby26

    Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

    I saw a car run a stop sign the other day, and a policeman pulled the car over. It turned out that the policeman was white and the car driver was a young black male. And the cop wrote him a ticket for running the stop sign. I claim racism!
  6. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    I'm not dumb. Not at all. Why would you say I am?
  7. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    I bet I'll be here next year at this time, still pissing you off every time I make a post. Wanna bet?
  8. RickyBobby26

    Obama administration throws cold water on vote recount effort

    Yes Fog, you make good points. Bet here's another: Hillary (to some extent) chastised Trump for saying he might not accept the election results. And now she's doing just that. That was my point. And yes, she could use a sports bra. Or something. Lighten up, it was a joke.
  9. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    I think that in another galaxy in another time, we could have been friends.
  10. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    I'm sorry sir, but you clearly have me confused with someone else(s).
  11. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    In no way have I ever defended Trump, or sexual assault. We may fucking hate each other (and we do, at least from my end), but I'd never wish sexual assault on your worst enemy.
  12. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    I hope you fucking hate me. I'd feel dirty if I thought you liked me. So thank you for hating me. But get used to me Justin, because I'm here for the long haul. And there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. Unless you buy RIU from the redhead. And I'm sure his asking price is very high.
  13. RickyBobby26

    Obama administration throws cold water on vote recount effort

    Fog, I don't want a recount. I was just posting about a relevant story in the news on a boring Saturday morning. Nothing good could possibly come from the presidency being stolen from the people who voted for Trump in his clear win. If the election had been about popular vote, the candidates...
  14. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    I'm not defending Trump. I just said what I thought were some reasons that people voted for Trump.
  15. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    I kinda like you.
  16. RickyBobby26


    Trump will be president for 4-8 years and will have as many as 3 Supreme Court appointments, all of which will be staunch conservatives. We'll survive. People, quit torturing yourselves holding out hope that The Bitch will get to sit in that big chair. She won't.
  17. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    Yeah, I heard he has a thing for pooping on restaurant bathroom floors, then laughing about it while a minority employee has to clean it up. So much for Buck being a civil rights promoter.
  18. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    They'll have to get permission from 10-year-old Barron Trump first. He supposedly has his own floor in Trump Tower.