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  1. RickyBobby26

    'Dear Hillary' letters are helping people cope

    I'm not a Trump supporter; I just despise Hillary. So if he's impeached, are you planning to come back as UncleBuck?
  2. RickyBobby26

    Draining The Swamp..

    Well excuse me.
  3. RickyBobby26

    'Dear Hillary' letters are helping people cope

    Write a "Letter to Hillary" and you'll be able to cope better.
  4. RickyBobby26

    Million Women march in Washington

    Among Hillary's female supporters, an estimated 76.2% continuously menstruate.
  5. RickyBobby26

    'Dear Hillary' letters are helping people cope

    This is a real news article. Some people are actually writing "letters to Hillary" to help them cope with her loss. Wow.
  6. RickyBobby26

    Draining The Swamp..

    Agreed. But would you rather have Pence or Trump?
  7. RickyBobby26

    Draining The Swamp..

    I'm not a huge Pence fan, but I'd feel safer with him as pres over The Donald. And over Christie too I think.
  8. RickyBobby26

    UncleBucks Bet

    Bump...this thread is just too good to get lost so soon after the election.
  9. RickyBobby26

    Draining The Swamp..

    Yes, and aren't we all very glad now that Trump picked Mike Pence for VP instead of that Nazi Chris Christie.
  10. RickyBobby26

    Million Women march in Washington

    No, but I still play with matches.
  11. RickyBobby26

    Million Women march in Washington

    You seem to report a lot. I'll bet you were a tattletale in elementary school.
  12. RickyBobby26

    Million Women march in Washington

    Well, seeing that 42% of women voters (overall - not just white) cast their ballot for Trump by the millions, I don't think a mere million disgruntled women would change anything by marching. But let them if they want. They can hug and cry together some more, and move toward their inner...
  13. RickyBobby26

    My thoughts on the 2016 US presidential election

    If you'll notice, the most outspoken calls for Hillary to be unlawfully given the presidency are coming from young people and celebrities. And I can think of no people less qualified to make any important decision than young people and celebrities. There is no way in hell the Electoral College...
  14. RickyBobby26

    EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

    Wow Sky, I do believe I see your teeth...and they look sharp. I 100% apologize for anything I've ever written or ever will write that offends you. Please always give me a chance to apologize before putting me on your shit list...because I know your shit list entries usually just "disappear"...
  15. RickyBobby26

    Vote Trump out

    Trump won by the laws currently in place. If he is denied the presidency, it will 100% prove his claim that "the system is rigged". As much as any of us hate the outcome, it must stand. I agree that the Electoral College should be abolished, and that the presidency should be determined by...
  16. RickyBobby26

    Ode To Hillary

    It was meant to be funny. It made fun of both candidates.
  17. RickyBobby26

    Ode To Hillary

    Ode to Hillary November the ninth in, Two thousand sixteen, The end of her journey, The light she had seen. Her big day upon her, She tuned in to see, The voting results that, Would bring her much glee. But there had been problems, That she couldn’t shake, Benghazi and emails, And being a...
  18. RickyBobby26

    EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

    Yeah, but that's only on the condition that the fountain of youth is not a myth, and is located before campaign season begins. It just wouldn't be effective for Bernie to campaign in 2020 carrying a respirator and a bottle of oxygen everywhere. I think that would turn voters off. Forget...
  19. RickyBobby26

    My thoughts on the 2016 US presidential election

    Agreed, for the most part. But on the bright side, I think Iran's nuclear program days are numbered, probably with only 2 digits.
  20. RickyBobby26

    UncleBucks Bet

    So are you going to leave the site forever?